enviroCar / enviroCar-www

Website of the enviroCar project
8 stars 10 forks source link

"Software" link for the webseite and mentioning of open source #214

Closed nuest closed 9 years ago

nuest commented 9 years ago

There is not enough information on the website the the software is available on GitHub as open source. Ideas to change this:

@ahitch - what do you think?

ahitch commented 9 years ago

My 2 cents:

ahitch commented 9 years ago

I suggest a new box on about page . Text as follows. (edit in https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZXIW2IdcNehPfVHfb_zoz_0a4EuyEYeymVrpsvNybkY/edit#) "The software"

enviroCar software is open source and published under the Apache 2.0 (link) license. The following software is hosted at GitHub (https://github.com/enviroCar):


nuest commented 9 years ago

Important: enviroCar software is NOT published under Apache 2.0. I suggest to say "are all published as open source - see the project page for license details".

Even though all projects are on GitHub, I would still add a link to the projects on GitHub and also add extra links for documentation. We could extend the page http://envirocar.github.io/ with the same information as well, make that the "one stop" for all eC software. Then the first level software link simply opens that page. A short sentence about open source and a link should nevertheless be on the about page.

nuest commented 9 years ago

Oh, and of course the github.io page should be overhauled, adding the missing projects - I can do that, since I started the whole thing...

nuest commented 9 years ago

FYI: I plan to have a draft of the page ready after my flight :-). @ahitch If you rather have it on the "real homepage", then it is still worth having a more informative page at envirocar.githug.io

ahitch commented 9 years ago

@nuest I suggest we discuss next week when you are back :-)

nuest commented 9 years ago

When I'm back I don't have time for this ;-). Please check for errors and let me know what you think: http://envirocar.github.io/

ahitch commented 9 years ago

@nuest I will send a file.

nuest commented 9 years ago

The software link does only appear after login, though it is outside of the "if logged in" code: https://github.com/enviroCar/enviroCar-www/blob/12497e61018ddad6450084fa9795ac4f77422dc3/header.php#L175

ahitch commented 9 years ago

can anyone fix this?