For now, the kubernetesYAMLToResources function in egctl x translate only able to process one GatewayClass, for multiple GC case, the translation will fail.
type LoadResources struct {
GatewayClasses []*gwv1.GatewayClass
EnvoyProxies []*egv1a1.EnvoyProxy
The GC and EP should be stored in list instead of variable
Above function should be placed in gatewayapi layer (This will be super helpful for file-provider in standalone mode to reuse this logic to load all kinds of resources from file)
Any thoughts on this? cc @envoyproxy/gateway-maintainers
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Any extra documentation required to understand the issue.
For now, the
function inegctl x translate
only able to process one GatewayClass, for multiple GC case, the translation will fail.
IMO, above function should return something like:
Any thoughts on this? cc @envoyproxy/gateway-maintainers
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