envoyproxy / gateway

Manages Envoy Proxy as a Standalone or Kubernetes-based Application Gateway
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Ratelimiting doesn't work with both clientSelectors (i.e. headers and sourceCIDR) enabled #4351

Open yash-nisar opened 1 day ago

yash-nisar commented 1 day ago


What issue is being seen? Describe what should be happening instead of the bug, for example: Envoy should not crash, the expected value isn't returned, etc. Ratelimiting doesn't work with both clientSelectors (i.e. headers and sourceCIDR) enabled. I would expect it to work if the headers match and the request is from the IP in the sourceCIDR range.

Repro steps:

Include sample requests, environment, etc. All data and inputs required to reproduce the bug. Followed all steps from quickstart. This is my ratelimit config:

- clientSelectors:
- headers:
- name: x-user-id
value: one
type: Exact
requests: 3
unit: Hour
type: Global

Note: If there are privacy concerns, sanitize the data prior to sharing.


Include the environment like gateway version, envoy version and so on.


Include the access logs and the Envoy logs.

These are the envoy-ratelimit logs, note this line descriptor does not match any limit, no limits applied.

time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=debug msg="CertProvider: waiting for runtime update"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=info msg="Starting xDS client connection for rate limit configurations"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=info msg="Dialing xDS Management Server: 'envoy-gateway:18001'"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=warning msg="connecting to redis on redis.redis-system.svc.cluster.local:6379 with pool size 10"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=debug msg="Implicit pipelining enabled: false"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=warning msg="Listening for debug on ''"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=warning msg="Listening for gRPC on ''"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=debug msg="Waiting for config update event"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=warning msg="Listening for HTTP on ''"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=info msg="Connection to xDS Management Server is successful"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=debug msg="loading domain: default/eg/http"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=debug msg="loading descriptor: key=default/eg/http.httproute/default/http-ratelimit/rule/0/match/0/ratelimit_example_httproute/default/http-ratelimit/rule/0/match/0/ratelimit_example"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=debug msg="Creating stats for key: 'default/eg/http.httproute/default/http-ratelimit/rule/0/match/0/ratelimit_example_httproute/default/http-ratelimit/rule/0/match/0/ratelimit_example.masked_remote_address_0.0.0.0/0'"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=debug msg="loading descriptor: key=default/eg/http.httproute/default/http-ratelimit/rule/0/match/0/ratelimit_example_httproute/default/http-ratelimit/rule/0/match/0/ratelimit_example.masked_remote_address_0.0.0.0/0 ratelimit={requests_per_unit=3, unit=HOUR, unlimited=false, shadow_mode=false}"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=debug msg="Setting config retrieved from config provider"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=info msg="Successfully loaded new configuration"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:04Z" level=debug msg="Waiting for config update event"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:39Z" level=debug msg="got descriptor: (httproute/default/http-ratelimit/rule/0/match/0/ratelimit_example=httproute/default/http-ratelimit/rule/0/match/0/ratelimit_example),(rule-0-match-0=rule-0-match-0),(masked_remote_address="
time="2024-09-27T00:56:39Z" level=debug msg="starting get limit lookup"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:39Z" level=debug msg="looking up key: httproute/default/http-ratelimit/rule/0/match/0/ratelimit_example_httproute/default/http-ratelimit/rule/0/match/0/ratelimit_example"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:39Z" level=debug msg="iterating to next level"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:39Z" level=debug msg="looking up key: rule-0-match-0_rule-0-match-0"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:39Z" level=debug msg="looking up key: rule-0-match-0"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:39Z" level=debug msg="descriptor does not match any limit, no limits applied"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:39Z" level=debug msg="starting cache lookup"
time="2024-09-27T00:56:39Z" level=debug msg="returning normal response"

I do see that the config is reflected in xds-ir (in gateway logs):

2024-09-27T00:54:27.139Z        INFO    gateway-api     runner/runner.go:186    {
        "accessLog": {
                "text": [
                                "path": "/dev/stdout"
        "http": [
                        "name": "default/eg/http",
                        "address": "",
                        "port": 10080,
                        "metadata": {
                                "kind": "Gateway",
                                "name": "eg",
                                "namespace": "default",
                                "sectionName": "http"
                        "hostnames": [
                        "routes": [
                                        "name": "httproute/default/backend/rule/0/match/0/www_example_com",
                                        "hostname": "www.example.com",
                                        "isHTTP2": false,
                                        "pathMatch": {
                                                "name": "",
                                                "prefix": "/",
                                                "distinct": false
                                        "destination": {
                                                "name": "httproute/default/backend/rule/0",
                                                "settings": [
                                                                "weight": 1,
                                                                "protocol": "HTTP",
                                                                "endpoints": [
                                                                                "host": "",
                                                                                "port": 3000
                                                                                "host": "",
                                                                                "port": 3000
                                                                "addressType": "IP"
                                        "metadata": {
                                                "kind": "HTTPRoute",
                                                "name": "backend",
                                                "namespace": "default"
                                        "name": "httproute/default/http-ratelimit/rule/0/match/0/ratelimit_example",
                                        "hostname": "ratelimit.example",
                                        "isHTTP2": false,
                                        "pathMatch": {
                                                "name": "",
                                                "prefix": "/",
                                                "distinct": false
                                        "destination": {
                                                "name": "httproute/default/http-ratelimit/rule/0",
                                                "settings": [
                                                                "weight": 1,
                                                                "protocol": "HTTP",
                                                                "endpoints": [
                                                                                "host": "",
                                                                                "port": 3000
                                                                                "host": "",
                                                                                "port": 3000
                                                                "addressType": "IP"
                                        "traffic": {
                                                "rateLimit": {
                                                        "global": {
                                                                "rules": [
                                                                                "headerMatches": [
                                                                                                "name": "x-user-id",
                                                                                                "exact": "one",
                                                                                                "distinct": false
                                                                                "cidrMatch": {
                                                                                        "cidr": "",
                                                                                        "ip": "",
                                                                                        "maskLen": 0,
                                                                                        "isIPv6": false,
                                                                                        "distinct": false
                                                                                "limit": {
                                                                                        "requests": 3,
                                                                                        "unit": "Hour"
                                        "metadata": {
                                                "kind": "HTTPRoute",
                                                "name": "http-ratelimit",
                                                "namespace": "default"
                        "isHTTP2": false,
                        "path": {
                                "mergeSlashes": true,
                                "escapedSlashesAction": "UnescapeAndRedirect"
}       {"runner": "gateway-api", "xds-ir": "default/eg"}

Thanks !

shawnh2 commented 20 hours ago

Looks weird, can you share the output of egctl config rl -n envoy-gateway-system ?