envoyproxy / nighthawk

L7 (HTTP/HTTPS/HTTP2/HTTP3) performance characterization tool
Apache License 2.0
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Nighthawk_client supports http_proxy and https_proxy #1063

Open xiaohui1wang opened 5 months ago

xiaohui1wang commented 5 months ago

Nighthawk_client supports http_proxy and https_proxy.

Assume there is a scenario to use nighthawk_client to test a URL, such as: https://example.com/index.html, but nighthawk_client cannot access "https://example.com/index.html" directly, it needs a proxy server with username and password authentication. I tried to setup OS environment http_proxy and https_proxy, it doesn't work. So, is there a way to setup http_proxy and https_proxy for nighthawk_client ? Thanks!

Below is error logs: ./nighthawk_client https://getnighthawk.dev/assets/images/logos/nighthawk/horizontal/nighthawk-text-side.svg [18:50:40.109348][466408][I] Starting 1 threads / event loops. Time limit: 5 seconds. [18:50:40.109396][466408][I] Global targets: 100 connections and 5 calls per second. [18:50:40.879589][466417][E] Exiting due to failing termination predicate [18:50:40.879612][466417][I] Stopping after 100 ms. Initiated: 1 / Completed: 1. (Completion rate was 9.93226197334181 per second.) [18:50:41.141247][466408][E] Terminated early because of a failure predicate. [18:50:41.141269][466408][I] Check the output for problematic counter values. The default Nighthawk failure predicates report failure if (1) Nighthawk could not connect to the target (see 'benchmark.pool_connection_failure' counter; check the address and port number, and try explicitly setting --address-family v4 or v6, especially when using DNS; instead of localhost try or ::1 explicitly), (2) the protocol was not supported by the target (see 'benchmark.stream_resets' counter; check http/https in the URI, --h2), (3) the target returned a 4xx or 5xx HTTP response code (see 'benchmark.http_4xx' and 'benchmark.http_5xx' counters; check the URI path and the server config), or (4) a custom gRPC RequestSource failed. --failure-predicate can be used to relax expectations. Nighthawk - A layer 7 protocol benchmarking tool.

Initiation to completion (1 samples) min: 0s 000ms 608us | mean: 0s 000ms 608us | max: 0s 000ms 608us | pstdev: 0s 000ms 000us

Counter Value Per second benchmark.pool_connection_failure 1 9.93 cluster_manager.cluster_added 1 9.93 default.total_match_count 1 9.93 membership_change 1 9.93 runtime.load_success 1 9.93 runtime.override_dir_not_exists 1 9.93 sequencer.failed_terminations 1 9.93 upstream_cx_connect_fail 1 9.93 upstream_cx_destroy 1 9.93 upstream_cx_destroy_remote 1 9.93 upstream_cx_http1_total 1 9.93 upstream_cx_total 1 9.93 upstream_rq_pending_failure_eject 1 9.93 upstream_rq_pending_total 1 9.93

[18:50:41.147032][466408][E] An error ocurred.

xiaohui1wang commented 5 months ago

Can anyone help to add comments for above question? Thanks!

eric846 commented 5 months ago

Nighthawk doesn't currently support http_proxy/https_proxy environment variables or connecting to a proxy using credentials. (I changed this issue from a bug to a question. Feel free to change it to a feature request if the idea below doesn't unblock you.)

About the idea of a third-party HTTP tunnel:

Disclaimer: I haven't done this myself, so I'm not sure whether there is a trustworthy third-party program that is compatible with your proxy and Nighthawk.

I'm assuming your goal is to load test a final destination that you can only access through a proxy with credentials.

The tunnel program would:

Once this tunnel was active and listening on localhost:123, you would run nighthawk_client with http://localhost:123 as its target. Each request from Nighthawk would go through the tunnel program on localhost, to the proxy server, then to the final destination.

If you get something like that working, please let us know!

eric846 commented 5 months ago

One "third-party tunnel" you might consider is an Envoy proxy running on your machine between Nighthawk and the password-protected proxy. See https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/11308

eric846 commented 5 months ago

A couple of things to watch out for:

xiaohui1wang commented 5 months ago

Thank you Eric for above response and suggestion.