envy / esp-knx-ip

A KNX/IP library for the ESP8266 with Arduino
MIT License
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Webserver integration #15

Closed ggs67 closed 6 years ago

ggs67 commented 6 years ago

Please make the webserver integrable with an existing web server of the main app, bei passing the existing server and an absolute path to the library at start and builc all internal path relative to th egiven one.

envy commented 6 years ago


this is already possible. Call knx.start() with a pointer to a ESP8266WebServer (see here) and change ROOT_PREFIX to a path you want (see here).

ggs67 commented 6 years ago

Well, that does not allow any alternat root path and does not work if root is already used, which usually is the case. With start(server) on e has to edit the esp-knx-ip.h header and modify ROOT_PREFIX to something likse "/knx" then it works.

so start should get another parameter allowing to specify the path below which the knx webpages are to be found.

Without this prefix, the implementation is also vey collision prone, for instanmce if the application already has a /config webpage.

envy commented 6 years ago

Well, that does not allow any alternat root path and does not work if root is already used, which usually is the case.

Yes it does, just set ROOT_PREFIX to your desired path, e.g., /knx, if you use / for your own application.

With start(server) on e has to edit the esp-knx-ip.h header and modify ROOT_PREFIX to something likse "/knx" then it works.

This is how it's supposed to work. You choose a path and set ROOT_PREFIX to that. This way, all the strings are fixed during compile time instead of being dynamically build during runtime.

so start should get another parameter allowing to specify the path below which the knx webpages are to be found.

No, that's the job of ROOT_PREFIX.

Without this prefix, the implementation is also vey collision prone, for instanmce if the application already has a /config webpage.

Yes, that's why ROOT_PREFIX exists.

I see no advantage of moving this parameter to start and therefore making all the string concatenations runtime operations.

ggs67 commented 6 years ago

Well the advantage is obviously that th elkibarry needs no editing for each separate project. If one has a webserver and trhe other not. Also it would allow to have a backlink to the rrot on the KNX page if the prefix is given.

If you absolutely want to stick with the preprocessor macro, I would suggest the following change:

make #define ROOT_PREFIX commented out in place where now defined with a comment that it needs to be uncommented for change.

Just before the use of the root prefix for the other paths then:


define ROOT_PREFIX "" // DO NOT CHANGE this line, uncomment and change above !!!!





an then use ROOT_PREFIX_USED to add a link back to the root on teh KNX page. Or you could of course simply strlen the prefix ;-)