Closed bzle closed 7 years ago
We require Nokogiri to do advacned HTML processing and building. This is a problem with CloudCannon's platform and them not providing you with the necessary dependencies. If you update the error I might change my opinion but I see no error so I'm inclined to assume that's the case in blind judgement.
Thanks for the reply Jordan (and congrats on the big update!). Responsive image support looks particularly interesting.
I'll update here if I learn anything, but for now I don't have any additional information.
If you can provide an output of the build log, that would help a lot, you don't need to post it publically, you can email it directly to me if you need. I've also emailed CloudCannon to find out more about their infrastructure so I can see where to go from there.
Awesome, thank you. I'll send you an email.
Mike from CloudCannon just got back to me, so I've asked him what version of Nokogiri they have preinstalled so that I can release a new version that marks that as the minimum version, which will get your builds working again hopefully. Unless he emails back stating they plan on upgrading pretty quickly.
Great! Thanks Jordon!
Has this been solved? I heard they upgraded, and we've since released 3.0.1 to resolve other known issues with some stuff. Wondering if I need to keep in contact with them to see if there are still problems.
Not quite sure. Mike said you released 3.0.1 and that fixed the required issue, but now there's an uglify error.
I just tested using 3.0.1 and ran into the same Nokogiri error. Not sure why.
Really, I can live with 2.4.0. It's working as expected, and that's really all I need at the moment! I'm guessing there are other people using Cloud Cannon and jekyll-assets... but who knows.
Makes sense to stick with 2.4 instead of reporting possible bugs. :roll_eyes:
Not sure what the OS is. I'm using Cloud Cannon to build the Jekyll sites.
Today I noticed one of my websites wouldn't build and I hadn't made any changes that could have broken things. The error was in regards to installing a dependency, nokogiri:
"An error occurred while installing nokogiri (1.8.1), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that
gem install nokogiri -v '1.8.1'
succeeds before bundling."Then I noticed that my other Jekyll sites wouldn't build either. I got in touch with Cloud Cannon support and Mike eventually found that jekyll-assets had recently made a new release (v3.0.0), just earlier today. Specifying v2.4.0 for jekyll-assets in my Gemfile cleared up the issue.