Closed artis3n closed 4 years ago
Same issue for me: Dockerfile:
FROM jekyll/jekyll:4.0.0
Same error with Dockerfile:
FROM jekyll/jekyll:4.0.1
# frozen_string_literal: true
source ""
git_source(:github) {|repo_name| "{repo_name}" }
gem "jekyll"
group :jekyll_plugins do
gem 'jekyll-sitemap'
gem 'jekyll-seo-tag'
Gemfile.lock :
addressable (2.7.0)
public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)
colorator (1.1.0)
concurrent-ruby (1.1.6)
em-websocket (0.5.1)
eventmachine (>= 0.12.9)
http_parser.rb (~> 0.6.0)
eventmachine (1.2.7)
ffi (1.12.2)
forwardable-extended (2.6.0)
http_parser.rb (0.6.0)
i18n (1.8.2)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
jekyll (4.0.1)
addressable (~> 2.4)
colorator (~> 1.0)
em-websocket (~> 0.5)
i18n (>= 0.9.5, < 2)
jekyll-sass-converter (~> 2.0)
jekyll-watch (~> 2.0)
kramdown (~> 2.1)
kramdown-parser-gfm (~> 1.0)
liquid (~> 4.0)
mercenary (~> 0.3.3)
pathutil (~> 0.9)
rouge (~> 3.0)
safe_yaml (~> 1.0)
terminal-table (~> 1.8)
jekyll-sass-converter (2.1.0)
sassc (> 2.0.1, < 3.0)
jekyll-seo-tag (2.6.1)
jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0)
jekyll-sitemap (1.4.0)
jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0)
jekyll-watch (2.2.1)
listen (~> 3.0)
kramdown (2.2.1)
kramdown-parser-gfm (1.1.0)
kramdown (~> 2.0)
liquid (4.0.3)
listen (3.2.1)
rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3)
rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10)
mercenary (0.3.6)
pathutil (0.16.2)
forwardable-extended (~> 2.6)
public_suffix (4.0.5)
rb-fsevent (0.10.4)
rb-inotify (0.10.1)
ffi (~> 1.0)
rexml (3.2.4)
rouge (3.19.0)
safe_yaml (1.0.5)
sassc (2.3.0)
ffi (~> 1.9)
terminal-table (1.8.0)
unicode-display_width (~> 1.1, >= 1.1.1)
unicode-display_width (1.7.0)
When running: jekyll serve --trace
jekyll_1 | JEKYLL_ENV=development jekyll serve --trace
jekyll_1 | Fetching gem metadata from
jekyll_1 | Fetching gem metadata from
jekyll_1 | Resolving dependencies...
jekyll_1 | Using public_suffix 4.0.5
jekyll_1 | Using addressable 2.7.0
jekyll_1 | Using bundler 2.1.4
jekyll_1 | Using colorator 1.1.0
jekyll_1 | Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.6
jekyll_1 | Using eventmachine 1.2.7
jekyll_1 | Using http_parser.rb 0.6.0
jekyll_1 | Using em-websocket 0.5.1
jekyll_1 | Using ffi 1.12.2
jekyll_1 | Using forwardable-extended 2.6.0
jekyll_1 | Using i18n 1.8.2
jekyll_1 | Using sassc 2.3.0
jekyll_1 | Using jekyll-sass-converter 2.1.0
jekyll_1 | Using rb-fsevent 0.10.4
jekyll_1 | Using rb-inotify 0.10.1
jekyll_1 | Using listen 3.2.1
jekyll_1 | Using jekyll-watch 2.2.1
jekyll_1 | Fetching rexml 3.2.4
jekyll_1 | Installing rexml 3.2.4
jekyll_1 | Using kramdown 2.2.1
jekyll_1 | Using kramdown-parser-gfm 1.1.0
jekyll_1 | Using liquid 4.0.3
jekyll_1 | Using mercenary 0.3.6
jekyll_1 | Using pathutil 0.16.2
jekyll_1 | Using rouge 3.19.0
jekyll_1 | Using safe_yaml 1.0.5
jekyll_1 | Using unicode-display_width 1.7.0
jekyll_1 | Using terminal-table 1.8.0
jekyll_1 | Fetching jekyll 4.0.1
jekyll_1 | Installing jekyll 4.0.1
jekyll_1 | Fetching jekyll-seo-tag 2.6.1
jekyll_1 | Installing jekyll-seo-tag 2.6.1
jekyll_1 | Fetching jekyll-sitemap 1.4.0
jekyll_1 | Installing jekyll-sitemap 1.4.0
jekyll_1 | Bundle complete! 3 Gemfile dependencies, 30 gems now installed.
jekyll_1 | Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
jekyll_1 | make: *** [Makefile:20: serve] Error 15
docker_jekyll_1 exited with code 2
When running bundle info jekyll
, I have this error :
Could not find rexml-3.2.4 in any of the sources
@envygeeks Has this fix been deployed to the official Docker image yet? I'm still seeing this issue in production using a GitHub action.
@envygeeks Has this fix been deployed to the official Docker image yet? I'm still seeing this issue in production using a GitHub action.
If you're using the container image cached by GitHub Action (i.e. you docker run
directly, without docker pull
), then I guess this fix hasn't applied to that image yet. You can check which version of the image is cached by GitHub at here
I am getting an exit code of 15 when using this container to publish my Jekyll site on GitHub.
Here is what happens when I run the container against my repo:
I can run
bundle install && jekyll serve
without issue on my machine, and the localbundle install
returns exit code 0. How can I debug why the container is throwing exit code 15?Seeing this error in these Action runs.
The Gemfile is the following: