enwi / dartzmq

A simple dart zeromq implementation/wrapper around the libzmq C++ library
MIT License
26 stars 17 forks source link

Not Working For Android Real Device, But Working on Emulator, #17

Open wajahat414 opened 1 year ago

wajahat414 commented 1 year ago

[dartzmq] Failed to load library zmq: Invalid argument(s): Failed to load dynamic library 'libzmq.so': dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "__aarch64_ldadd4_relax" referenced by "/data/app/~~MjLexgoFe5RqnQkIAbG4Cg==/com.example.trader-BdFk7vHBEbrjTXe0LKQ4MA==/lib/arm64/libzmq.so"... [dartzmq] Failed to load library libzmq: Invalid argument(s): Failed to load dynamic library 'liblibzmq.so': dlopen failed: library "liblibzmq.so" not found [dartzmq] Failed to load library libzmq-v142-mt-4_3_5: Invalid argument(s): Failed to load dynamic library 'liblibzmq-v142-mt-4_3_5.so': dlopen failed: library "liblibzmq-v142-mt-4_3_5.so" not found

wajahat414 commented 1 year ago

@enwi I was reading about another issue in which it says zmq takes 1 second to get Data, does it mean that in pub/sub when a publisher socket pushes a data subscriber socket will recieve after 1 second?

wajahat414 commented 1 year ago

what if you try another approach just calling native platform zmq libraries instead of using ffi would'nt that be a better solution? as for every platform already zmq implementations are available, what do you think give me your opinion on that, coz this way its not working

enwi commented 1 year ago

@enwi I was reading about another issue in which it says zmq takes 1 second to get Data, does it mean that in pub/sub when a publisher socket pushes a data subscriber socket will recieve after 1 second?

In a worst case scenario it would take 1 second for the subscriber to receive the message

enwi commented 1 year ago

what if you try another approach just calling native platform zmq libraries instead of using ffi would'nt that be a better solution? as for every platform already zmq implementations are available, what do you think give me your opinion on that, coz this way its not working

There is no dart implementation of the ZeroMQ protocol why I am using the shared c++ library, which should work fine

wajahat414 commented 1 year ago

yes I know, anyway, can you check why its is not working on real device,?