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Wwise Source Plugins load but don't play #231

Open ashtonmills opened 7 years ago

ashtonmills commented 7 years ago

Hi there.

I've been trying to add PD patches to Wwise using heavy. I have tried a few different times now and it's not playing back to me. I made a really bare bones patch to test, just a 2 phasors; carrier and modulator, muliplying them, with a @hv_param for the FM value. The patch preview plays correctly in the Heavy browser, and when I set it up as a Wwise plugin, I can select it as a source on a new SFX, and I can adjust the parameter, but when I hit play nothing happens. It just stops again immediately. It's doen this with all the patches I have created. Any ideas on what I can do?

Thanks a lot


diplojocus commented 7 years ago

hi @ashtonmills are you testing on Wwise 2017.1? We haven't yet pushed an official release that supports it. However it is working in the dev channel which can be accessed via the hv-uploader (-r dev). See here for more info: https://enzienaudio.com/docs/index.html#03.uploader#getting-started

ashtonmills commented 7 years ago

Thanks @diplojocus yes I'm using Wwise 2017.1

Would it be easiest for me to use a previous version of wwise?

diplojocus commented 7 years ago

Yes, though if you're familiar with using command line tools the hv-uploader should be straightforward.

In a terminal you'd execute something like:

$ hv-uploader /path/to/patch/dir/ -n patchname -r dev 
ashtonmills commented 7 years ago

Thanks. Actually I'm not really familiar with this. Is it something I do in Command promt?

diplojocus commented 7 years ago

It's possible to install on Windows, but you'll probably have to install python and configure it. I'd say it would be best to try an older version of Wwise and wait for the next heavy release (should be soon).

ashtonmills commented 7 years ago

Great thank you

ashtonmills commented 7 years ago

And thanks for beign so swift!

diplojocus commented 7 years ago


ashtonmills commented 7 years ago

You don't know by any chance how to change the version of Wwise that's integrated to my Ue4 project do you? There seems to be a lot of info on how to integrate, but not how to 'disintegrate'!

diplojocus commented 7 years ago

Not 100% sure on the Wwise installation process in UE4 but you could try deleting the Engine/Plugins/Wwise/ directory, and installing the older version... ...I think

ashtonmills commented 7 years ago

I'll try that thanks mate