enzo1982 / freac

The fre:ac audio converter project
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Output filename format #453

Open Xorgeo opened 1 year ago

Xorgeo commented 1 year ago

I would like the output filename set to include the following: \<album> / \<track> - \<title> \<artist> / \<album> / \<track> - \<title>

It would be best if the output filename format could be customized as a part of the General settings setup.

enzo1982 commented 1 year ago

You can freely edit the output filename pattern in fre:ac's config dialog. You are not limited to the options from the drop down list.

Also, the last five patterns you used are saved and added to the drop down list, so you can easily access your previously used custom patterns.

The available placeholders for filename pattern are listed and explained here: https://freac.org/manual/en/howto.html#anchor_pat