enzoampil / fastquant

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[BUG] json_normalize issue #421

Closed EngAhmedElkady closed 1 year ago

EngAhmedElkady commented 1 year ago

from fastquant.disclosures.pse import DisclosuresPSE File "E:\AK Trading\Projects\test\env\Lib\site-packages\fastquant\disclosures\pse.py", line 24, in from pandas.io.json import json_normalize ImportError: cannot import name 'json_normalize' from 'pandas.io.json' (E:\AK Trading\Projects\test\env\Lib\site-packages\pandas\io\json__init__.py)

Problem description

This error is occurring because the json_normalize function was moved from the pandas.io.json module to the top-level pandas module in Pandas version 1.0.0.

msob commented 1 year ago

I ran into the same problem and just created a pull request, containing a fix for this problem.