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Melon Funding Proposals
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Messari_ProtocolServices.md #15

Closed jpurd17-messari closed 1 year ago

jpurd17-messari commented 2 years ago

Description: In an effort to scale the amount of quality, long-form research for the community, we are proposing Enzyme commissions an initiation of coverage report through Messari’s Protocol Services. This would provide a comprehensive overview of Enzyme and how it fits into the web3 asset management landscape and DeFi more generally. The report will touch on major KPIs and fundamental usage metrics while also discussing the token mechanics and how value flows through the system. Examples include:

These reports would live as free resources on Messari and would be distributed through our newsletter (230k subscribers) and various social channels. We would then host a webinar with the writing analyst and a member of Avantgarde to discuss the report in detail and engage the community with Q+A.

Benefits: The benefit of the report would be increased knowledge and awareness of Enzyme for the larger crypto community. The exposure Enzyme would receive through this report would help attract more users, developers, and investors who are more likely to allocate time and money to provide value to the overall network after being more aware of the material developments going on. This could include more protocols looking to integrate Enzyme for their treasury management solutions, asset allocators interested in spinning up their own fund, or investors seeking to put capital in alternative vehicles.

Timeline: The report would be released the first week in September

Funding: $35,000 Annual Protocol Services membership (2 years): $15k Initiation of coverage report: $15k Analyst call: $5k

Contact Information: Jack Purdy, Business Development Lead for Messari Protocol Services Email: jack@messari.io Telegram: @jackpurdy

perhamgirl commented 2 years ago

Hi Jack, thanks for submitting this proposal!

A couple of questions from our side;

1) can you elaborate on what the analyst call entails exactly for those not familiar with it? 2) can you share some stats on Messari's distribution for such reports? what is the outreach ? profile of typical reader, various distribution channels, etc.

Thank you!

jpurd17-messari commented 2 years ago

To answer those questions:

  1. They're open calls we host on Crowdcast with the analyst that wrote it and member of the team to discuss key findings from the report and to enable Q+A from listeners (like a shareholder call in the equities world). We also make replays available on YouTube. (Examples Uniswap, Avalanche, Livepeer)
  2. The reports hit our newsletter subscriber list of 250,000 which typically get ~30% open rate. Additionally, we expect high single-digit to low double-digit thousand views natively on-site. newsletter stats We're also now partnered with S&P Global to distribute our reports through their CapIQ and Aftermarkets research platform as well as Bloomberg for redistribution on the terminal which together reach the vast majority of the tradfi world.
perhamgirl commented 2 years ago

Thanks @jpurd17-messari, sounds good. We discussed the proposal at the last council meeting and there seems to be some good support for it so we will take it to snapshot vote as a next step.