eoas-ubc / eoas_tlef

developing jupyter courseware for eoas 2020
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cmip6 dashboard #54

Open phaustin opened 3 years ago

phaustin commented 3 years ago
phaustin commented 3 years ago
phaustin commented 3 years ago

Some geoinformtion links:

basic coordinate reference systems: https://a301_web.eoas.ubc.ca/week4/cartopy_mapping_h5.html#week4-coords

cartopy utm example: https://a301_web.eoas.ubc.ca/week10/demo_cartopy_extent.html

satellite raster map: https://a301_web.eoas.ubc.ca/week9/vancouver_visible.html

plotly radar raster https://plotly.com/python/mapbox-layers/

cartopy plotly example:

vector shape files https://a301_web.eoas.ubc.ca/week11/subset_map.html

affine transform example: https://a301_web.eoas.ubc.ca/week11/assign6b_sol.html

mapbox tile crs: https://epsg.io/3857

JacobMcFarlane commented 3 years ago


phaustin commented 3 years ago

For April 12: 1) phil will put plotly dash server on node07 2) jacob will write a method to get mean and variance from a field for a selected region

phaustin commented 3 years ago

Next steps:

phaustin commented 3 years ago

initial models and scenarios:

canesm2 (canada) cesm2 (ncar) hadgem3 (uk)

scenarios: picontrol historical ssp245 ssp285

phaustin commented 3 years ago

1) pick a case with 1) regional corners 2) model runs 3) time period 4) scenario 5) model values --??? capture in a yaml, json, toml disk file 2) write a script that reads the case, goes to the cloud and downloads model files and saves as zarr or netcdf 3) update the dashboard so it can read the case file, and load local data using info in the case file 4) sample case: bc, surface air temperature, historical, 10-40 ensemble members

phaustin commented 2 years ago

New todo list for Jamie