eodaGmbH / py-maplibregl

Python bindings for MapLibre GL JS
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Does the deck.gl integration support type H3HexagonLayer? #99

Closed cboettig closed 1 month ago

cboettig commented 2 months ago

Thanks for an amazing package, this has been incredibly useful to me.

I've been enjoying the deck.gl integration you have as well, and the examples in the docs work perfectly for me. However, I cannot get H3HexagonLayer to work. is it possible that only some of the deck.gl types are implemented here? Would it be possible to support H3?

I noticed that you have an example for H3 cells that uses the native maplibre fill-extrusion, but this approach relies on turning the hex ids to boundaries in geojson, which I am worried will not scale as well since I have a lot of small hexes. I've been able to render this layer with pydeck, but would love to be able to combine that with other maplibre layers using your package.

giswqs commented 2 months ago

This is an example for using H3HexagonLayer. The developer console says the H3HexagonLayer class is not registered.

from maplibre import MapOptions
from maplibre.basemaps import Carto
from maplibre.controls import NavigationControl
from maplibre.ipywidget import MapWidget as Map

m = Map(
        center=(-122.4, 37.74),

deck_grid_layer = {
    "@@type": "H3HexagonLayer",
    "id": "my-layer",
    "data": 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/visgl/deck.gl-data/master/website/sf.h3cells.json',
    "getHexagon": "@@=hex",

m.add_deck_layers([deck_grid_layer], tooltip="Number of points: {{ count }}")


crazycapivara commented 2 months ago

Yes, you are right. At the moment in ipywidget only the Core and Aggregation layers from deck.gl's layer catalog are registered and therefore supported. I wanted to keep the js deps small. But as I tried to render it to html or in Shiny, where it is supported I recognized that in this case the h3 JS lib dep is missing. I will add support in the next release :-)

crazycapivara commented 2 months ago

@cboettig If you install the latest feature branch with

pip install git+https://github.com/eodaGmbH/py-maplibregl@feature/color-utils

you can already test the standalone example rendering to html

crazycapivara commented 2 months ago


pip install git+https://github.com/eodaGmbH/py-maplibregl@v0.2.6.1-pre-release

makes the H3HexagonLayer also available for Ipywidget

cboettig commented 2 months ago

Thanks, this is working great now!

crazycapivara commented 2 months ago

In the upcoming release it will now also be possibile to add pydeck.Layer instances, so that you just can reuse code you already created with pydeck, except layers using the JS CSV loader (passing urls to csv files to the data param). I will check if it makes sense to include it in the JS code as well. But with pydeck.Layer you can now pass pandas.DataFrame as data parameter.

See this exmaple

cboettig commented 1 month ago

@crazycapivara this would be perfect, thanks. for some reason the example doesn't render correctly for me. I install from this branch, git+https://github.com/eodaGmbH/py-maplibregl@feature/color-utils

but just get a blank map, but no error.

crazycapivara commented 1 month ago

@cboettig Just tested with serveral Python versions (3.9, 3.11, 3.12) on Mac and Linux and it always works for me. Which version of pydeck do you use. Did you check if the data loads successfully?

cboettig commented 1 month ago

@crazycapivara Thanks for the reply. I've revisited this and it seems to be working correctly now.

I see that in your example you pass a standard pydeck layer directly, instead of the dict syntax

deck_grid_layer = {
    "@@type": "H3HexagonLayer",
    "id": "my-layer",
    "data": 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/visgl/deck.gl-data/master/website/sf.h3cells.json',
    "getHexagon": "@@=hex",

Using a pydeck layer instead of that kind of notation, everything works well for me now:

import pydeck as pdk
from maplibre import MapOptions
from maplibre.basemaps import Carto
from maplibre.controls import NavigationControl
from maplibre.ipywidget import MapWidget as Map
#import geopandas as gpd
#h3cells = gpd.read_file('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/visgl/deck.gl-data/master/website/sf.h3cells.json')

layer = pdk.Layer(
        get_fill_color="[255 - count, 255, count]",

m = Map(MapOptions(center=(-122.4, 37.74), zoom=12), controls=[NavigationControl()])
