EODMS RAPI Client is a Python3 package used to access the REST API service provided by the Earth Observation Data Management System (EODMS) from Natural Resources Canada.
I wanted to try using the API by first searching products (dates and coordinates), and then making an order of these product. So, I first tried using the concerned example in the documentation (here : https://py-eodms-rapi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). But it doesn't run correctly. Here is the returned error :
Then I tried to replace 'filters' by None and it runs correctly.
I wanted to try using the API by first searching products (dates and coordinates), and then making an order of these product. So, I first tried using the concerned example in the documentation (here : https://py-eodms-rapi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). But it doesn't run correctly. Here is the returned error : Then I tried to replace 'filters' by None and it runs correctly.