eoger / tabcenter-redux

Vertical Tabs extension for Firefox
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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search tabs #378

Open gherghel opened 6 years ago

gherghel commented 6 years ago

when I type a key word, it jumps out of the searched tabs selection, back into all tabs selection.

cbocky commented 5 years ago

This happens for me after typing the keyword and selecting an item from the resulting list (or trying to move an item). I used to move items to get them near each other in the full tab list (because tab order isn't preserved on restore, wish it was).

gherghel commented 5 years ago

Version 0.6.3 works fine. Version 0.7.0 and Version 0.7.1 have bugs.

eoger commented 5 years ago

Can you make a step by step bug report? It would help me reproduce the bug.

gherghel commented 5 years ago

Step 0: Select Tabs in the sidebar Step1: type a keyword in Search tabs Step2 : click on a random tab of the selection

It cancels the selection, jumps out of the searched tabs selection, back into all tabs selection.

eoger commented 5 years ago

Yup that's the desired behavior

Smile4ever commented 5 years ago

@eoger I wonder whether that's the desired behaviour when wanting to move the tabs, not clicking on them.

dos1 commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure what moving tabs while in search results can actually mean. The tab order is based on search result relevance now, so I wouldn't expect moving tabs to be possible there.

cbocky commented 5 years ago

Clicking shouldn't go back to all tabs selection (it only started doing this recently). It used to let you continue using the filtered tab list because there are other tabs in the list you want to see. In recent versions you need to keep repeating the search for each tab in the filtered list you want to see. I'm using All Tabs Helper now because it keeps the search list after clicking.

cbocky commented 5 years ago

Moving tabs in a filtered (searched) list is a workaround for not preserving tab order when saving/reloading a session. The tabs are in a seemingly random order after reloading a session. Until recently I would move tabs found by search to get them next to each other again. I would move a tab in a filtered list before another and then the two tabs would be together in the full list. Had to keep doing this for all the tabs, it was time-consuming. Would be much better if sessions preserved tab order.

dos1 commented 5 years ago

Sessions do preserve the tab order - if they don't, there's something messed up. Also, TCR used to let you move tabs in filtered list because it used to preserve the tab order there - now it doesn't, as it sorts the results based on relevance since it started doing fuzzy search.

Seems like a classic example of the XY problem.

(however, I wholeheartedly agree that clicking on some tab shouldn't close the search view)

cbocky commented 5 years ago

My sessions don't preserve tab order (never have). Is there something to do about it?

dos1 commented 5 years ago

Is there some addon that you use for session management, or are you talking about Firefox's session restore functionality that is built-in?

conradbock commented 5 years ago

Sorry, getting my addins confused, posted to the wrong thread (I'm using Tab Session Manager, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tab-session-manager, will post there).

conradbock commented 5 years ago

Assuming I get a session manager that preserves tab order, TCR recently started giving search results in seemingly random the order, I guess because of the new relevance search. Would much rather see them in the order they would appear without filtering, because I organize them that way.

conradbock commented 5 years ago

BTW, it's useful to move tabs in a filtered list for other reasons than working around a bad session manager. Sometimes I find similar tabs far apart and want to move them together. Overall I was happier with the TCR search before it went to relevance-based.

gherghel commented 5 years ago

The issue remains what cbocky said:

shouldn't go back to all tabs selection (it only started doing this recently). It used to let you continue using the filtered tab list because there are other tabs in the list you want to see. In recent versions you need to keep repeating the search for each tab in the filtered list you want to see.

In other words, the filter is useless, if you can not keep the selection and you are forced to go back to whole list.

Keith94 commented 5 years ago

ea98418 makes it so search is cleared when clicking tabs with mouse, but using keyboard shortcuts to switch tabs won't clear it. Dunno if that's a bug or intended.

kolewu commented 5 years ago

Clicking on a tab in a search result list should not cancel the search. It may be reasonable to redo the search if the relevance has changed with choosing this tab, but for me that's even not the expected behaviour.

I have a lot of open tabs and every new search (or even new display of all tabs) generates a large delay.

Keith94 commented 5 years ago

Would be nice to make it optional for those of us who like the old behavior.