eomnl / sas-jobmon

EOM SAS Job Monitor
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ERROR: File is in use, _WEBOUT #5

Open alobaidi2012 opened 7 years ago

alobaidi2012 commented 7 years ago

How to fix problem like that , the attached is log of running dimon stored process

Stored Process Error

This request completed with errors.

Hide SAS Log SAS Log

1 The SAS System 04:25 Friday, June 2, 2017

NOTE: Copyright (c) 2002-2012 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software 9.4 (TS1M2) Licensed to DATA GEAR/ALLIANCE PARTNER PROGRAM/ AML LAB SITE, Site 70132038. NOTE: This session is executing on the X64_SRV12 platform.

NOTE: Updated analytical products:

  SAS/STAT 13.2

NOTE: Additional host information:

X64_SRV12 WIN 6.2.9200 Server

NOTE: SAS Initialization used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds

NOTE: The autoexec file, D:\sas\config\Lev1\SASApp\StoredProcessServer\autoexec.sas, was executed at server initialization.

SAS Macro Variables:

_APSLIST=_srvname,_rmthost,_htcook,_srvport,_username,_reqmeth,_htua,_grafloc,_version,_url,_rmtaddr,_reqencoding,_program,_userlocale,_result,_metaperson,_metauser,_metafolder,_client,_SECUREUS ERNAME _CLIENT=StoredProcessService 9.4; JVM 1.7.0_51; Windows Server 2012 (amd64) 6.2 _GRAFLOC=/sasweb/graph _HTCOOK=8042a67953261793b20fd03525075fac_Cluster1=812FFD06959EB601D8710B4DD451A314.8042a67953261793b20fd03525075fac_SASServer1_1 _HTUA=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36 _METAFOLDER=/My Company/Application Support/EOM DI Job Monitor/Stored Processes/ _METAPERSON=sasdemo _METAUSER=sasdemo@AMLTEST _PROGRAM=/My Company/Application Support/EOM DI Job Monitor/Stored Processes/dimon _REPLAY="&_URL?_sessionid=2F94726C-99FB-4CA9-B94A-C46219D02DF3&_program=replay&_entry=&_TMPCAT.." _REQENCODING=UTF-8 _REQMETH=GET _RESULT=STREAM _RMTADDR=fe80:0:0:0:a840:b46b:3366:1b59%15 _RMTHOST=fe80:0:0:0:a840:b46b:3366:1b59%15 _SECUREUSERNAME=sasdemo _SRVNAME=amltest _SRVPORT=80 _TMPCAT=APSWORK.TCAT0078 _URL=/SASStoredProcess/do _USERLOCALE=en_US _USERNAME=sasdemo _VERSION=Version 9.4 (Build 506)

2 Begin EG generated code (do not edit this line); 3 4 Stored process registered by 5 Enterprise Guide Stored Process Manager V7.1 6 7 ==================================================================== 8 Stored process name: dimon 9 ==================================================================== 10 ; 11
ProcessBody; 14
15 %STPBEGIN; 16
17 End EG generated code (do not edit this line); 18
20 /
--- Start of code for "dimon". --- / 21 / --- Problem: Unable to express task in SAS code. --- / 22 / --- End of code for "dimon". --- / 23
24 /
--- Start of code for "start". --- / 25
26 /
--- End of code for "start". --- / 27
28 /
--- Start of code for "dimon init". --- */ 29 LIBNAME DIMON BASE "D:\Dimon"; NOTE: Libref DIMON was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: BASE Physical Name: D:\Dimon 30 %dimon_init; NOTE: setting debug options because &_DEBUG = MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): options msglevel=i; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): options sastrace=',,,d' sastraceloc=saslog nostsuffix; NOTE: ==================================================================== NOTE: dimon_init macro started execution. MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): libname dimon list; The SAS System

NOTE: Libref= DIMON Scope= STPX Process Engine= BASE Physical Name= D:\Dimon Filename= D:\Dimon MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): proc sql noprint; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): select case when engine in ('BASE','V9','REMOTE') then 'SAS' else engine end into :engine from sashelp.vlibnam where libname = 'DIMON' ; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): quit; NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds

NOTE: ENGINE = SAS NOTE: URLSPA = /SASStoredProcess/do NOTE: SPROOT = /My Company/Application Support/EOM DI Job Monitor/Stored Processes NOTE: WEBROOT = /eom/dimon NOTE: _ODSSTYLE = dimon NOTE: VIEWLOG_MAXFILESIZE = 2097152 NOTE: GANTT_WIDTH = 200 NOTE: TREND_DAYS = 90 MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): ods path WORK.TAGSETS(UPDATE) SASHELP.TMPLMST(READ); MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): proc template; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): define style styles.dimon; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): parent = styles.sasweb; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): notes "DI Monitor Style"; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): class body / fontfamily = 'Roboto,Open Sans,Verdana,Arial' fontsize = 9pt color = #808080 ; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): class systemtitle / fontfamily = 'Roboto,Open Sans,Verdana,Arial' fontsize = 9pt fontstyle = roman color = #0288d1 ; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): class systemfooter / fontfamily = 'Roboto,Open Sans,Verdana,Arial' fontsize = 9pt fontstyle = roman color = #0288d1 ; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): class table / fontfamily = 'Roboto,Open Sans,Verdana,Arial' fontsize = 9pt cellspacing = 1 cellpadding = 10 background = #f0f0f0 ; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): style table from output / frame = void rules = none ; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): style Header from HeadersAndFooters / background = #0288d1 fontfamily = 'Roboto,Open Sans,Verdana,Arial' fontsize = 9pt ; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): style Footer from HeadersAndFooters / background = #0288d1 fontfamily = 'Roboto,Open Sans,Verdana,Arial' fontsize = 9pt ; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): class data / fontfamily = 'Roboto,Open Sans,Verdana,Arial' fontsize = 9pt color = #404040 ; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): class notecontent / fontfamily = 'Roboto,Open Sans,Verdana,Arial' fontsize = 8pt color = #0288d1 ; MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): end; NOTE: STYLE 'Styles.Dimon' has been saved to: WORK.TAGSETS NOTE: PROCEDURE TEMPLATE used (Total process time): The SAS System

  real time           0.14 seconds
  cpu time            0.09 seconds

MPRINT(DIMON_INIT): run; NOTE: dimon_init macro completed execution in 0.16 seconds. NOTE: ==================================================================== 31
32 / --- End of code for "dimon init". --- / 33
34 / --- Start of code for "ods tagset". --- / 35 %global viewlog_maxfilesize; 36
37 %macro x; 38
39 %let imgroot = &webroot./images; 40 %let jsroot = &webroot./js; 41 %let cssroot = &webroot./css; 42 %let version = 3.0.0; 43
44 %if ("%qcmpres(&viewlog_maxfilesize)" = "") %then 45 %let viewlog_maxfilesize = 2097152; / 2MB / 46
47 ods path WORK.TAGSETS(UPDATE) SASHELP.TMPLMST(READ); 48 proc template; 49 define tagset tagsets.dimon; 50 parent=tagsets.html4; 51 define event doc; 52 start: 53 set $doctype '<!DOCTYPE HTML>'; 54 put $doctype NL; 55 put "" NL; 56 finish: 57 put '' NL; 58 end; 59 define event doc_head; 60 start: 61 put "" NL; The SAS System

62 put VALUE NL; 63
64 / force IE to render to latest standards / 65 put "<meta http-equiv=""X-UA-Compatible"" content=""IE=edge"">"; 66
67 / JQuery includes / 68 put "<script src=""&jsroot./jquery-1.12.4.js"">" NL; 69 put "<script src=""&jsroot./jquery-ui-1.11.4.js"">" NL; 70 put "<link href=""&cssroot./jquery-ui-1.11.4.css"" rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" />" NL; 71 put "<script src=""&jsroot./jquery.scrollTo-2.1.2.min.js"">" NL; 72 put "<script src=""&jsroot./jquery.sparkline-2.1.2.js"">" NL; 73
74 / js.cookie includes (from https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie) / 75 put "<script src=""&jsroot./js.cookie.js"">" NL; 76
77 / dimon includes / 78 put "<link rel=""shortcut icon"" href=""&imgroot./dimon-favicon.ico"" />"; 79 put "<script type=""text/javascript"" src=""&jsroot./dimon.js"">" NL; 80 put "<link type=""text/css"" href=""&cssroot./dimon.css"" rel=""stylesheet"" />" NL; 81
82 / dimon settings / 83 put "" NL; 90
91 finish: 92 put "" NL; 93 end; 94 end; 95 run; 96
97 %mend x; 98 %x; MPRINT(X): ods path WORK.TAGSETS(UPDATE) SASHELP.TMPLMST(READ); The SAS System

MPRINT(X): proc template; MPRINT(X): define tagset tagsets.dimon; MPRINT(X): parent=tagsets.html4; MPRINT(X): define event doc; MPRINT(X): start: set $doctype '<!DOCTYPE HTML>'; MPRINT(X): put $doctype NL; MPRINT(X): put "" NL; MPRINT(X): finish: put '' NL; MPRINT(X): end; MPRINT(X): define event doc_head; MPRINT(X): start: put "" NL; MPRINT(X): put VALUE NL; MPRINT(X): put "<meta http-equiv=""X-UA-Compatible"" content=""IE=edge"">"; MPRINT(X): put "<script src=""/eom/dimon/js/jquery-1.12.4.js"">" NL; MPRINT(X): put "<script src=""/eom/dimon/js/jquery-ui-1.11.4.js"">" NL; MPRINT(X): put "<link href=""/eom/dimon/css/jquery-ui-1.11.4.css"" rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" />" NL; MPRINT(X): put "<script src=""/eom/dimon/js/jquery.scrollTo-2.1.2.min.js"">" NL; MPRINT(X): put "<script src=""/eom/dimon/js/jquery.sparkline-2.1.2.js"">" NL; MPRINT(X): put "<script src=""/eom/dimon/js/js.cookie.js"">" NL; MPRINT(X): put "<link rel=""shortcut icon"" href=""/eom/dimon/images/dimon-favicon.ico"" />"; MPRINT(X): put "<script type=""text/javascript"" src=""/eom/dimon/js/dimon.js"">" NL; MPRINT(X): put "<link type=""text/css"" href=""/eom/dimon/css/dimon.css"" rel=""stylesheet"" />" NL; MPRINT(X): put "" NL; MPRINT(X): finish: put "" NL; MPRINT(X): end; MPRINT(X): end; NOTE: TAGSET 'Tagsets.Dimon' has been saved to: WORK.TAGSETS NOTE: PROCEDURE TEMPLATE used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds

                                                                                      The SAS System

MPRINT(X): run; 99
100 / --- End of code for "ods tagset". --- / 101
102 / --- Start of code for "container html". --- / 103 %macro x; 104
105 %if (%sysfunc(fileref(_webout)) = 0) %then 106 %do; 107 ods listing close; 108 ods tagsets.dimon file=_webout(title="EOM DI Job Monitor @&systcpiphostname" no_bottom_matter) style=&_odsstyle; 109 ods tagsets.dimon close; 110 %end; 111
112 data null; 113 file %_webout; 114 put '

'; 115 put '
'; 116 put "<a href=""#"" id=""linkHome""><img id=""dimon-logo"" width=""245px"" height=""25px"" />"; 117 put ''; 118 put ''; 119 put ''; 120 put ''; 121 put '
'; 122 put '
'; 123 put '
'; 124 put ''; 125 put '
'; 126 stop; 127 run; 128
129 %if (%sysfunc(fileref(_webout)) = 0) %then 130 %do; 131 ods tagsets.dimon file=_webout(no_top_matter) style=&_odsstyle; 132 ods tagsets.dimon close; 133 %end; 134
135 %mend x; The SAS System

136 %x; MPRINT(X): ods listing close; MPRINT(X): ods tagsets.dimon file=_webout(title="EOM DI Job Monitor @amltest" no_bottom_matter) style=dimon; NOTE: Writing TAGSETS.DIMON Body file: _WEBOUT ERROR: File is in use, _WEBOUT . ERROR: No body file. TAGSETS.DIMON output will not be created. MPRINT(X): ods tagsets.dimon close; MPRINT(X): data null; MPRINT(X): file MPRINT(X): _webout; MPRINT(X): put '

'; MPRINT(X): put '
'; MPRINT(X): put "<a href=""#"" id=""linkHome""><img id=""dimon-logo"" width=""245px"" height=""25px"" />"; MPRINT(X): put ''; MPRINT(X): put ''; MPRINT(X): put ''; MPRINT(X): put ''; MPRINT(X): put '
'; MPRINT(X): put '
'; MPRINT(X): put '
'; MPRINT(X): put ''; MPRINT(X): put '
'; MPRINT(X): stop; MPRINT(X): run;

NOTE: SAS set option OBS=0 and will continue to check statements. This might cause NOTE: No observations in data set. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds

MPRINT(X): ods tagsets.dimon file=_webout(no_top_matter) style=dimon; NOTE: Writing TAGSETS.DIMON Body file: _WEBOUT ERROR: File is in use, _WEBOUT . ERROR: No body file. TAGSETS.DIMON output will not be created. MPRINT(X): ods tagsets.dimon close; 137
138 / --- End of code for "container html". --- / The SAS System

140 Begin EG generated code (do not edit this line); 141 ;';";/;quit; 142 %STPEND; MPRINT(STPEND): options nonotes; MPRINT(STPEND): ods ALL close; MPRINT(STPEND): options NOTES;

bheinsius commented 7 years ago

It looks like you had the option "Stored Process Macros" set when you deployed the dimon Stored Process. This option includes the %stpbegin and %stpend macro's in the Stored Process code. The %stpbegin macro opens the _webout destination preventing the dimon stored process from accessing it later. If you disable that option and redeploy the Stored Process it should work.

I advice you to use the dev/3.1.2 branch as this is now ready for merging into the main branch except for Windows documentation that is not yet up to date.

alobaidi2012 commented 7 years ago

thanx it worked,but I faced new problem, the application run successfully but it could not show any results. it show 'No flows found for the current selection.'. what supposed from me to do show results. i tried to run jobs and flows and see the effect but no change happen in application interface.

Best Regards, Redwan

bheinsius commented 7 years ago

Are there rows in the DIMON_FLOW_SCHEDULES table? Are there rows in the DIMON_JOB_RUNS table?

alobaidi2012 commented 7 years ago

thanks sir for your quick reply there is one row in DIMON_FLOW_SCHEDULES and this is the row values: A5LCRT6R.CD0001K1 AND TimeEvent DA_sk1st20170602@:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23:05:1 02JUN2017:16:09:07 02JUN2017:17:44:42 N sasdemo 02JUN2017:17:44:00

and no rows in DIMON_JOB_RUNS tables . but when should these tables contain data ? i ran jobs and flows but these second table still empty.

the only thing i did different to tutorial is not creating a sas\share library, i did sas base library and sql server odbc library but till now it does not working.

thank you again.

bheinsius commented 7 years ago

DIMON_FLOW_SCHEDULES should contain a row for every scheduled flow that you have registered in SAS Management Console Schedule Manager plug-in. The row you mention does not look good for 2 reasons:

  1. It looks like it is scheduled using a custom calendar (DA_sk1st20170602). Although you can have dimon work with custom calendars, to check if all works it is easier when you schedule your first flow using a standard LSF Process Manager calendar like daily@sys.

  2. The VALID_FROM_DTS/VALID_UNTIL_DTS column values indicate that the flow is no longer scheduled.

DIMON_JOB_RUNS should contain a row for every job that is run, provided that the job and its flow are registered in the DIMON tables. If running a flow does not result in one or more rows added to DIMON_JOB_RUNS than there is something wrong with the installation and/or settings and you will need to debug that. Debugging can be difficult, I can help you if you wish. Remote assistance is usually the easiest.

alobaidi2012 commented 7 years ago

Dear Mr.bheinsius, the attached file contain details about the current status of DI job monitoring application till now if you can help me remotely, i will be very grateful to you.

[DI Job Monitoring Tables Status.xlsx] (https://github.com/bheinsius/eom-sas-dimon/files/1052960/DI.Job.Monitoring.Tables.Status.xlsx)

please send me your e-mail to : eng.redhwan.alobaidi@gmail.com i will contact with you.

note: all SAS servers installing in one machine. five screenshots were added to attached excel file.