eonist / my-swift-projects

An overview of my most relevant open-source projects on GitHub
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codebeat badge #1

Closed korzonek closed 8 years ago

korzonek commented 8 years ago

Is it fine to add codebeat badge to README?

codebeat is automated code review tool for Swift,Ruby,Go & Python that helps get instant feedback on code quality.

"Quick wins" suggested by codebeat could be a nice candidate for a pull request and help other developers become contributors.

FYI. To be fully open and honest. I'm co-founder of codebeat.

eonist commented 8 years ago

Hang loose my friend, I will add it. But first I have to support pull requests in the app I use to interact with github.

korzonek commented 8 years ago

@eonist thank you!!! :heart:

BTW... we are currently working on support for pull requests in codebeat. Would you like to see interactive mockups of it and share feedback on it?

Good, early feedback always helps prioritise things and save a lot of time in development :smile:

eonist commented 8 years ago

I thought github forbade bots on their network?

korzonek commented 8 years ago


eonist commented 8 years ago

Your answers seemed a bit bot like. Sorry if I misinterpreted.

eonist commented 8 years ago


korzonek commented 8 years ago

:) Well... I like computers and code :)


eonist commented 8 years ago


korzonek commented 8 years ago


eonist commented 8 years ago

Ok. I guess i wont report you then ;) I tried to look through your website. I wish it was a bit easier to use. Like enter github url and get instant results.

korzonek commented 8 years ago

@eonist it works like that for public repositories :) You just need to cope https url from Github, codebeat will analyse repo and create report page e.g. https://codebeat.co/projects/github-com-eonist-swift-utils

eonist commented 8 years ago

I didnt find this option on your site. Onboarding is key ;). Also Your analysis is a bit off code duplication that is not really duplication, and static methods should be allowed to be numerouse in a class. Non static methods in a class should be kept to a minimum.

eonist commented 8 years ago

I like your app though. Cool concept if you get it the algorithms right.

eonist commented 8 years ago

Im planing to build something similar before summer. But its more about code analysis for utomatic git commits.

eonist commented 8 years ago

Are you guys using heuristics or a neural network for your analytics?

marcinwyszynski commented 8 years ago

Just heuristics for now but we're looking into using ML, too.

eonist commented 8 years ago

If I may ask, Where can i drop github urls to scan?

marcinwyszynski commented 8 years ago

Go through the 'Log in' flow. When asked whether you want to go Open Source or Private/Premium choose the first option and you can add any open source repo that's freely accessible from the wild wild web.

eonist commented 8 years ago

OK, awesome. I will.

eonist commented 8 years ago

added it.

eonist commented 6 years ago

@korzonek Are you guys on vacation or something? Ive been trying to contact you on intercom for a week now. Thanks

eonist commented 4 years ago

@korzonek I paid for the service, But still cant add private repos? And your not answering emails 🙁

marcinwyszynski commented 4 years ago

I haven't worked for codebeat for more than two years at this point but you can try reaching the CEO through LinkedIn, which he's perhaps more likely to check?

korzonek commented 4 years ago

@eonist I missed your email 😔Sorry! I will ping you at the email on your GitHub profile.