Open gregalytics opened 5 years ago
Second case: the get_player_stats_individual() shows the same error message.
The issue in get_player_stats_individual() is a result of an extra column in the results table that wasn't accounted for in purrr::set_names(). The player stats and goalie stats sections in this function should be modified to add a dummy column in set_names() to account for this:
rvest::html_node('[class="table table-striped table-sortable skater-stats highlight-stats"]') %>%
rvest::html_table() %>%
purrr::set_names("number","dummy", "name", "games_played", "goals", "assists", "points", "penalty_minutes", "plus_minus", "blank", "games_played_playoffs", "goals_playoffs", "assists_playoffs", "points_playoffs", "penalty_minutes_playoffs", "plus_minus_playoffs") %>%
In get_teams(): Getting a ton of
message: Request failed after 10 attempts
An example: teams_usdp <- get_teams("usdp", 2000:year(Sys.Date()))