eoscanada / eosc

Cross-platform EOSIO command-line swiss-army-knife (EOS, BOS, Telos, Worbli, etc.)
MIT License
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eosc get account shows memory (and probably others) in KB instead of KiB #142

Open maoueh opened 5 years ago

maoueh commented 5 years ago

The eosc get account shows RAM quota/usage:

quota:           1.951  MB   used:           882.2  KB

But it should be

quota:           1.951  MiB   used:           882.2  KiB

Indeed, the account for which is was taken has 903367 bytes used, for which 882.2 comes from 903367 / 1024 = 882.2 so the numeric value is in KiB and not in KB.