eoscostarica / eos-rate

EOS Block Producer Ratings and Voting Portal :star2:
MIT License
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Enable ratings for multiple chains #345

Open xavier506 opened 4 years ago

xavier506 commented 4 years ago

As a user I should be able to select the blockchain EOS rate is sourcing data from so that I can rate and view information from several chains.

For example:


murillojorge commented 4 years ago

How about something like this? https://zpl.io/anRMrRv Desktop BPs Top Filters and chains

aaroncox commented 4 years ago

I was just looking around at the various issues for the project and this one sparked my interest, so I figured I'd leave a few comments.

Right now if you were to try to do a multi-chain integration using UAL, you're going to run into some roadblocks creating a pleasant end user experience. UAL right now has a poor sense of multiple chains, and despite being able to work around and reinitialize the UALProvider when the chain changes, the user sessions themselves aren't recognized properly.

So for example, if I logged in as account_1 on EOS, when I switch to Telos, it's immediately going to assume I'm account_1 on that blockchain as well. This is because UAL stores persistence in a way where you can only have a single account loaded for a single blockchain.

UAL needs to be updated in order to accommodate multi-chain applications before this can be resolved.

If you wanted to accomplish this today with existing tooling (without waiting for a UAL update), Transit is probably the way to go. The migration from UAL -> Transit shouldn't be incredibly difficult, but will require changes since the data structures returned by the two are slightly different.