eoscostarica / eos-rate

EOS Block Producer Ratings and Voting Portal :star2:
MIT License
27 stars 26 forks source link

Community validation #78

Closed murillojorge closed 5 years ago

murillojorge commented 5 years ago

We need to create a publication to engage the EOS community in order to see if our rating system qualitative aspects are the right ones.

I've written this draft let me know what you think.

EOSRate is a tool aimed to make the process of voting for EOS block producers easier by providing a visual rating system. The rating system is based on a radial graph representing the most important qualitative aspects of a block producer (BP for short), populated with ratings provided by the input if the EOS community, and stored on the blockchain. It will also provide basic quantitative information, a compare tool, dynamic BP filtering and links related to each BP, in order to fully inform the potential voter, but also let them share their ratings.

In order to make this tool helpful and worthwhile not only to the ones developing it but to the whole EOS community, we want to hear your opinions. First an mostly about the qualitative aspects that the user will be rating.

We came up with five qualitative aspects that should be important for a potential voter to know about a BP. The rating will be done on a scale from 1 to 10.

Independence: Is the BP Self-Funded, limited or no third party involvement? 1=Not independent, 10=Very independent. Transparency: Does the BP provide Disclosure of Ownership, Use of Rewards, complete bp.json and financial disclosure? 1=No disclosure, 10=Full disclosure. Infrastructure Control & Resilience: Is the BP experienced managing infrastructure? Does it have physical access and proven excellence in infrastructure metrics? 1=Delegated control or No information available, 10=Full control, demonstrated infrastructure. Community Engagement: Does the BP provide education and promote talks, chats, hackathons, conferences, seminars, developer spaces and retreats, related to the EOS network? 1=No community service, 10=Demonstrated community engagement. Testnets: Does the BP provide dedicated resources to community testnets, leadership in testing and administration of test environments? 1=No Testnet involvement, 10=Demonstrated Testnet Engagement.

So let's say, for example, you want to rate a BP that you have taken the time to know, and consider it to have values of the following magnitude: Independence = 10, Transparency = 2, Infrastructure= 5, Community= 7, Testnets= 5

And it would look like this! INSERT GRAPH IMAGE

We're working on creating a very friendly UI in order to make the rating system efficient, accessible and informative. But we know this can only happen if we listen to the community, so we will love to hear from you. Do you think the qualitative aspects we chose are the right ones? What else do you think should be rated? ...INSERT MORE QUESTIONS

If you want to learn more about EOS-Rate, check it out on our Github project page. And don't forget to star it!

Note: EOS-Rate is an initiative of EOS Costa Rica.

xavier506 commented 5 years ago

@murillojorge this is great! I have a question , are we not considering "tooling" as a category anymore? I see Independence on there which was not a category before (even though I think its a good one) but not tooling.

gaboesquivel commented 5 years ago

Great @murillojorge. @xavier506 Independence was proposed by @edgar-eoscostarica a couple days ago. We haven't taken the decision of removing tooling.

@murillojorge What do you think is a reasonable maximum of categories we should ever have from design/ux perspective ?

The goal is to validate which categories the EOS community wants, we need to know how categories is max we put on the chart without hurting the visual, psychology and ux.

gaboesquivel commented 5 years ago

I created a new folder called publication drafts on the google drive. This is EOS the Rate validation draft, it's easier to collaborate there. I also add a screenshot that's for position only, we want to add images directly from zeplin.


I like how Scatter is doing a public review/validation the new UI:

gaboesquivel commented 5 years ago

Topics we want to discuss with the community:

gaboesquivel commented 5 years ago

this depends on #79

xavier506 commented 5 years ago

Here is a draft of the medium post on EOS Rate https://medium.com/@eoscostarica/eos-rate-block-producer-ratings-efd586614695