Closed billsou closed 5 years ago
自我介绍 答:大家好,我是汪伟!目前在区块链专业媒体链闻工作,自2017年底进入区块链行业以来,一直扎根媒体行业,先后供职于甲子光年、担任甲子区块链负责人,挖链网北京负责人等。2018年5月EOS开启超级节点竞选时,本人接触过EOS中文社区各大竞选节点包括不限于EOS引力区、EOS Beijing、HelloEOS、EOS Cannon、EosStore、EOS ChainClub、EOSUnion、EOSYS、EOS生态区、EOS Asia等,深入了解EOS生态,并结识EOS原力,与EOS原力开发团队沟通后,高度认可孤矢团队的理念,随后参与到EOS原力生态建设中。
如果竞选成功,你将怎么做? 答:如果竞选成功,我将以公平公正的方式积极客观审批预算系统用于EOSC的宣传、上所,以及以后的各项有利于EOSC发展的事务中,致力于预算系统发挥其最大作用,共同建设壮大好EOSC,希望大家支持我,谢谢大家!
相关历史经验 答:在挖链网期间,建立walianwang超级节点,担任过第二届秘书处成员参与EOS发展讨论,组建了「EOSC万币帮」社区传播EOS原力最新信息。本人长期供职于区块链媒体,熟悉媒体传播以及各大公链生态,服务各大项目方,有能力有信心做好EOSC主网预算系统的管理委员会成员。
EOSC用户名 oneway
1、自我介绍 答:大家好,我叫郭英,毕业十年来一直从事互联网和移动互联网开发以及产品运营方面工作。刚开始在北京做研发工作,2014年在家乡山西创办了一家高新技术企业,开发软件相关项目(智博睿星,至今。期间带着小团队完成大大小小app项目十余个,现在主要开发运营一套SaaS类的门店会员管理系统。2017年年底实质性的开始接触区块链,十分看好区块链未来,也非常认同孤矢和eosc团队的理念。
2、如果竞选成功,你将怎么做? 答:如果竞选成功,作为一个和项目方以及开发团队没有直接关系但又极度认同eosc的人,我可以更冷静更客观的判断所申请的项目,同时十年的互联网从业经验以及两年的区块链行业经验也会给我比较大的支撑,从而为eosc更好更健康的发展作出自己的一份努力。具体的我想从下面三个步骤来实现:1、拿到项目申请第一时间分析项目的目的、可行性、难度以及最终目标等内容,遇到不清楚的地方积极通过学习请教以及第一时间联系申请人来把申请项目的来龙去脉都搞清楚;2、积极主动的在社区做好申请项目的科普宣传,详细为大家解释解读项目的方方面面细节,帮助大家理解每一个项目预算申请;3、收集、整理、归纳、总结社区广大成员的真实想法和期望,代他们行权做出最有利的决定。
3、相关历史经验 答:2017年底,实质参与区块链,之前只看了一些技术文章,17年底之后相继参与了eth、btc、xmr等pow挖矿以及矿池的搭建等工作。去年10月通过了解pos类的eos接触了eosc项目。然后就非常认同孤矢及其团队在dpos理解、社区治理等关于区块链的理念,并逐渐成为eosc的忠实用户和重度参与者。介于我之前的经验和自身的不断努力,相信一定可以胜任预算委员会成员的工作,希望各位节点大佬认真考虑给我机会,更好的为eosc的发展和社区成员服务。
4、联系方式 竞选人:郭英 邮箱 微信号:geekguo
5、EOSC用户名 geekguo
1、自我介绍 大家好,我是大毛,Staking门户网站节点易Nodeasy.com创始人、自媒体币圈百科主理人。此次代表节点易(jeepool)节点参加EOSC主网管理委员会竞选。节点易(jeepool)节点是原EOSC主网上的吉池(jeepool)节点,我们从EOSC主网启动之初,就积极参与EOSC的节点建设中,每周为社区用户整理一周内EOSC相关数据和资讯,制作EOSC一周快报,宣传EOSC相关动态,为EOSC主网更好发展献计献策,跟EOSC团队和EOSC社区一起走过2018年的寒冬。
2、如果竞选成功,你将怎么做? (1)节点易还有10000多名成员的社群,如果竞选成功,我们团队将会在社区维护、市场宣传上给EOSC提供支持。 (2)同时,节点易(jeepool)会积极联系熟悉的交易平台,争取让EOSC登录更多交易平台。 (3)节点易(jeepool)也会积极响应EOSC主网管理委员会、EOSC秘书处和各个超级节点组织的会议,为EOSC主网做更多贡献。
3、有哪些相关的历史经验? (1)EOSC上线之我们初就担任EOSC第一届秘书处成员,积极参与节点生态建设。 (2)节点易还成功当选IOST、IRIS、IoTeX等多条主链的节点,在节点建设、主链社区治理有丰富经验。 (3)我们旗下还有自媒体:币圈百科,币乎大V号:大毛向前冲等媒体账号,和很多KOL很熟悉,在市场宣传上有丰富资源。
4、联系方式 竞选人:节点易(jeepool)节点 微信号:coinmartdamao 网站:
5、EOSC用户名 jeepool
1、自我介绍: 大家好~!我是原力第一黑粉:L。2017年之前一直从事传统金融行业,包括但不限于基金、P2P、担保、民融登等行业,主要是从事帮民企国企制定相应的投融资方案、撰写相应的尽调报告等工作。2017年底开始接触并进入币圈,学习区块链的基本知识,在并不懂任何代码的情况下了解POW、POS的逻辑关系和工作原理。2018年曾从事组织某社区成员学习《精通比特币》,多次帮项目方组织meetup和社区运营,为SCSC、KKK、MT等项目撰写和修改白皮书等工作。2018年6月接触eosforce.io之后一直关注其生态建设和技术发展。
2、如果竞选成功,你将怎么做? 因为L既不是开发团队成员也不是节点成员,所以可以更理智和轻松的看待各种提案申请。如果竞选成功,在拿到某项目申请资料之后,首先需要独立和客观的分析申请项目的基本情况,初步对项目有个自己的判断。然后会听从社群的意见和看法,对专业的问题询问相关人士,得出想要的答案。最后跟项目申请人进行有效的沟通,跟进项目落地情况,配合项目方宣传。 如果竞选成功,我会把EOSFORCE主网管理委员会的工作放在一个重要位置,不会因为任何原因耽误此工作的进展。
3、相关历史经验 自2018年6月接触eosforce.io之后,一直关注其生态建设和技术发展。见证了eosforce.io的发展过程和其中遇到的问题,并提出相应的改进建议。在coinlord还健在的时候积极参与其社群管理、奖励制度制定等。担任“EOSC原力神秘基地”群主之后成功把原力社群的“太平间”变为“菜市场”。我虽然不是超级节点成员,但旁听的BP会议比大部分BP还要多,对eosforce.io有深刻了解,熟读孤矢三部著作《上车》《希望》《下棋》。
4、联系方式 竞选人:L 微信:zhiyaoyigeweixiao 邮箱
自我介绍 答:大家好,我是BEPAL首席聊天官及形象代言人——怡宝,很高兴能代表BEPAL参与本次的EOSC管理员的竞选。
如果竞选成功,你将怎么做? 答:如果本次我竞选成功了,我会凭借我丰富的社群运营经验,充分利用BEPAL的现有PR、社群、技术、渠道等资源以及旗下孵化Staking²平台所有资源,与EOSC社区一起维护生态和谐,实现生态繁荣,共同成长。
相关历史经验 答:我长期就职于BEPAL,BEPAL是一家以区块链聚合接入、多链数据管理、私钥安全技术为核心的综合区块链服务提供商;本人认识众多媒介以及各大公链生态,服务于各大项目方,并且有丰富的直播和AMA经验,有着非常不错的成绩。
联系方式 竞选人:BEPAL怡宝 微信号:BEPAL02
EOSC用户名 eosc33eosc33
1、自我介绍 答:大家好,我是易传棋,目前在EOSfoce社区做技术社区运营。代表EOSforce团队参加这次竞选。我是从2017年进入区块链行业,参加的第一个ICO项目就是EOS,之前有在EOS社区做过超级节点、做过EOS离线签名钱包,参与过EOS的社区治理和仲裁ECAF。同时还做过POS矿池,对公链项目,EOS、ETH、Cosmos、波卡、DIfinity都有参与。
2、如果竞选成功,你会怎么做? 答:如果竞选成功,我将以公平公正的方式积极客观审批预算系统用于EOSC的宣传、代表EosForce团队进行统一决策和工作,认真参与到社区治理。
1)技术内容的输出,包括EosForce设计机制,Dops、跨链、分片、账户系统、交易哈希等内容输出和白话的解读文章科普宣传。 2)宣传活动和社区的互动,代表Eosforce进行每次社区活动的沟通和组织。 3)以公平公正的方式积极客观审批预算系统每一项提案,为EOSC主网用好每一笔预算,确保每一分公正、公开、公平。
3、有哪些相关的历史经验? 组织和举办过EOS全国Meetup,包括EOS Family Day,厦门,上海、北京、成都Meet up、参与过EOS节点竞选。EOS的社区治理和仲裁ECAF。EOS社区从零到一的搭建和运营,EOS Dapp的宣传和使用。
4、联系方式 竞选人:易传棋 邮箱 微信号:865610508
5、EOSC用户名 legendyi
1、自我介绍: 大家好,我是Jack徐鹏军,目前从事AI医疗行业,其中我们对于医疗数据信息上链存证有些非常浓厚的兴趣。我开办了两家公司,一家专门从事传统互联网信息技术服务,另外一家就是专门从事医疗科技服务类的公司,这个公司拥有的医疗数据资源非常宝贵。我是17年接触区块链,18年中旬进入币圈。个人投资了许多公链项目,包括eosc,虽然eos更早出现,但是当原力项目出现后我毅然决然购买了eosc,因为我觉得它的机制更加完善。目前我和我的团队开始了区块链项目SlarityChain,平台近期发布,希望将来可以对接eosc,共同成长。 2、如果竞选成功,我将怎么做? 如果竞选成功,我必定竭尽全力推广eosc,举办线下meetup,让更多的人知道eosc,加入到eosc的支持队伍中来,增强对eosc的共识。同时我会在平台的labs板块,添加原力板块,着重宣传,并对eosc用户进行空投SRT,让Slarity平台的用户了解eosc,并加入到eosc共识行列。 3、有哪些相关历史经验: 作为一名通证经济研究者,我亲自主导SlarityChain项目白皮书的撰写,并在其中强调社区治理的重要性和相关举措,这些内容和原力的治理理念不谋而合,而这次管理委员会的筹备与选举再一次证明,这是趋势和未来。我相信自己除了能够领导自己项目前进外,还能在eosc管理委员会中奉献自己能够奉献的所有力量,推进两个项目共同成长。 4、联系方式: 竞选人:Jack.Xu(徐鹏军) 微信号:LaoXu13615237140 邮箱 5、eosc用户名: ajun123
微信号:wxw9708 电话:17853553258 5.EOSC用户名 wxw
1、自我介绍 大家好,我是舍得,Awake创始合伙人&CTO,代表eosawake节点社区参加本次竞选。eosawake是从EOSC主网启动之初就一直积极参与的节点。在过去1年的时间内,eosawake节点积极参与EOSC各项生态建设,而受到社区用户的广泛认可,并长期处于投票总数排名第一节点的位置,在这里再次感谢社区用户的支持。 eosawake节点从组建之初,就专注于EOSC生态的建设,第一时间推出Akdex交易所,上线EOSC/EOS交易对,结束了EOSC长期场外打野战的局面;制定EOSC节点会议制度、推动了第一届EOSC主网节点会议,推进相关主网议案的通过;为方便社区用户管理EOSC资产,我们随后推出AWAKE钱包,钱包经过多次迭代,现在已经兼容EOSIO的多条主链。最近为方便BP日常操作,开发了《EOSC BP管理平台》DAPP,将BP的常用操作集成于管理平台,受到各个节点的一致好评。 eosawake团队会继续跟随EOSC社区一起成长! 2、如果竞选成功,你将怎么做? 如果eosawake节点得到社区用户的认可和支持,我们竞选成功后将以公平公正的方式积极客观审批预算系统每一项提案,为EOSC主网用好每一笔预算,确保每一分钱都用在EOSC社区治理和生态建设的刀刃上。 3、相关历史经验 eosawake节点,为EOSC社区的良性发展,发起多次BP提案和提案表决,始终将社区的声音及时的反应到BP会议当中。 4、联系方式 竞选人:eosawake节点 微信号:eosawake 网站: 电报: 5、EOSC用户名 eosawake
Hello, I am Shede, Wake founding partner & CTO, representing the eosawake node community to participate in this election. Eosawake is a node that has been actively involved since the start of the EOSC main network. In the past year, the eosawake node actively participated in the ecological construction of EOSC, and was widely recognized by community users, and has long been in the position of the first node of the total number of votes. Thanks again to the support of community users. From the beginning of the formation, the eosawake node focused on the construction of the EOSC ecosystem. It launched the Akdex exchange and launched the EOSC/EOS trading pair. It ended the long-term field battle of EOSC. Awake formulated the rules and regulations for the EOSC node meeting, promoted the first EOSC main network node meeting and promoted the adoption of the relevant main network proposal; in order to facilitate community users to manage EOSC assets, we subsequently launched the AWAKE wallet, which has been iteratively compatible with EOSIO's multiple main chains. Recently, in order to facilitate the daily operation of BP, the "EOSC BP Management Platform" DAPP was developed, and the common operations of BP were integrated into the management platform, which was highly praised by various nodes. The eosawake team will continue to grow with the EOSC community!
If the eosawake node is recognized and supported by community users, we campaign will be a fair and just manner positive each proposal, objective examination and approval of the budget system for the main EOSC with good every budget, Make sure that every penny is used at key points in EOSC community governance and ecological building.
The eosawake node is a benign development of the EOSC community, launching multiple BP proposals and proposal voting, We always respond to the BP conference in a timely manner.
Contact information Candidate: eosawake node Wechat: eosawake Website: Telegraph:
- 自我介绍 答:大家好,我是汪伟!目前在区块链专业媒体链闻工作,自2017年底进入区块链行业以来,一直扎根媒体行业,先后供职于甲子光年、担任甲子区块链负责人,挖链网北京负责人等。2018年5月EOS开启超级节点竞选时,本人接触过EOS中文社区各大竞选节点包括不限于EOS引力区、EOS Beijing、HelloEOS、EOS Cannon、EosStore、EOS ChainClub、EOSUnion、EOSYS、EOS生态区、EOS Asia等,深入了解EOS生态,并结识EOS原力,与EOS原力开发团队沟通后,高度认可孤矢团队的理念,随后参与到EOS原力生态建设中。
- 如果竞选成功,你将怎么做? 答:如果竞选成功,我将以公平公正的方式积极客观审批预算系统用于EOSC的宣传、上所,以及以后的各项有利于EOSC发展的事务中,致力于预算系统发挥其最大作用,共同建设壮大好EOSC,希望大家支持我,谢谢大家!
- 相关历史经验 答:在挖链网期间,建立walianwang超级节点,担任过第二届秘书处成员参与EOS发展讨论,组建了「EOSC万币帮」社区传播EOS原力最新信息。本人长期供职于区块链媒体,熟悉媒体传播以及各大公链生态,服务各大项目方,有能力有信心做好EOSC主网预算系统的管理委员会成员。
- 联系方式 竞选人:汪伟 手机号:18601311355 微信号:wangwei20110321
- EOSC用户名 oneway
Hello everyone, I am Wang Wei! I am now working in the blockchain professional media chain. Since I entered the blockchain industry at the end of 2017, I have been focusing on the media industry. I have worked for Jiazi Guangnian, who is the head of the jazzyear blockchain project, and the head of the walianwang in bejing site. When EOS launched the SuperNode campaign in May 2018, I had contact with the EOS Chinese community's major campaign nodes including EOS Gravity Zone, EOS Beijing, HelloEOS, EOS Cannon, EosStore, EOS ChainClub, EOSUnion, EOSYS, EOS Eco Zone, EOS. Asia, etc., to understand the EOS ecology and get to know the EOS force, and communicate with the EOS Force development team, highly recognize the concept of the orphan team, and then participate in the EOS original ecological construction.
If the election is successful, I will actively and objectively approve the budget system in a fair and equitable manner for the promotion of EOSC, the above, and the future affairs that are conducive to the development of EOSC, and commit to the budget system to play its biggest role and jointly build and expand. Good EOSC, I hope everyone supports me, thank you!
During the walianwang network, the walianwang super node was established, and the second member of the Secretariat participated in the EOS development discussion, and the latest information on the EOSForces of the “Ten thousand token organization” community was formed. I have long been employed in the blockchain media, familiar with media communication and the major public blockchain ecology, serving all major project parties, and have the ability to have confidence in the management committee of the EOSC main network budget system.
Contact information Candidate: Wang Wei Mobile phone number: 18601311355 Wechat: wangwei20110321 EOSC account :Oneway
1、自我介绍 答:大家好,我叫郭英,毕业十年来一直从事互联网和移动互联网开发以及产品运营方面工作。刚开始在北京做研发工作,2014年在家乡山西创办了一家高新技术企业,开发软件相关项目(智博睿星,至今。期间带着小团队完成大大小小app项目十余个,现在主要开发运营一套SaaS类的门店会员管理系统。2017年年底实质性的开始接触区块链,十分看好区块链未来,也非常认同孤矢和eosc团队的理念。
2、如果竞选成功,你将怎么做? 答:如果竞选成功,作为一个和项目方以及开发团队没有直接关系但又极度认同eosc的人,我可以更冷静更客观的判断所申请的项目,同时十年的互联网从业经验以及两年的区块链行业经验也会给我比较大的支撑,从而为eosc更好更健康的发展作出自己的一份努力。具体的我想从下面三个步骤来实现:1、拿到项目申请第一时间分析项目的目的、可行性、难度以及最终目标等内容,遇到不清楚的地方积极通过学习请教以及第一时间联系申请人来把申请项目的来龙去脉都搞清楚;2、积极主动的在社区做好申请项目的科普宣传,详细为大家解释解读项目的方方面面细节,帮助大家理解每一个项目预算申请;3、收集、整理、归纳、总结社区广大成员的真实想法和期望,代他们行权做出最有利的决定。
3、相关历史经验 答:2017年底,实质参与区块链,之前只看了一些技术文章,17年底之后相继参与了eth、btc、xmr等pow挖矿以及矿池的搭建等工作。去年10月通过了解pos类的eos接触了eosc项目。然后就非常认同孤矢及其团队在dpos理解、社区治理等关于区块链的理念,并逐渐成为eosc的忠实用户和重度参与者。介于我之前的经验和自身的不断努力,相信一定可以胜任预算委员会成员的工作,希望各位节点大佬认真考虑给我机会,更好的为eosc的发展和社区成员服务。
4、联系方式 竞选人:郭英 邮箱 微信号:geekguo
5、EOSC用户名 geekguo
Hello, everyone, My name is Guo Ying. I have been a university graduate for ten years and have been working on Internet and mobile internet development and product operations. I started my research and development work in Beijing. In 2014, I started a high-tech enterprise in my hometown of Shanxi, and developed software-related projects (Zhibo Ruixing, During the period, he completed more than ten large and small app projects with a small team. Now he mainly develops and operates a SaaS-like store member management system. At the end of 2017, the substantive beginning of contact with the blockchain, I am very optimistic about the future of the blockchain, and also very much agree with the concept of the solitary and eosc team.
If the campaign is successful, as a person who has no direct relationship with the project team and the development team but strongly agrees with the eosc, I can judge the applied project more calmly and objectively, and at the same time ten years of Internet experience and two years of blockchain. Industry experience will also give me a lot of support, thus making my own efforts for the better and healthier development of eosc. Specifically, I would like to implement it from the following three steps: 1. Get the project's first time to analyze the project's purpose, feasibility, difficulty, and final goal. If you are unclear, actively consult and ask for the first time. Contact the applicant to find out the ins and outs of the application project; 2. Proactively carry out the popular science propaganda of the application project in the community, explain in detail the various aspects of the interpretation project, help everyone understand each project budget application; 3, collect Organize, summarize, and summarize the true ideas and expectations of the majority of members of the community, and make the most favorable decisions on their behalf.
At the end of 2017, I actually participated in the blockchain. I only read some technical articles before. After the end of 2017, I participated in pow mining and construction of mine pools such as eth, btc, and xmr. In October last year, I contacted the eosc project through eos who knew the pos class. Then I very much agree with the concept of blockchain and its team in dpos understanding, community governance and so on, and gradually become a loyal user and heavy participant of eosc. Between my previous experience and my own continuous efforts, I believe that I can be qualified to work for the members of the budget committee. I hope that the nodes will seriously consider giving me the opportunity to better serve the development of eosc and community members.
Contact information Candidate: Guo Ying E-mail: wechat: geekguo EOSC account :Geekguo
1、自我介绍 大家好,我是大毛,Staking门户网站节点易Nodeasy.com创始人、自媒体币圈百科主理人。此次代表节点易(jeepool)节点参加EOSC主网管理委员会竞选。节点易(jeepool)节点是原EOSC主网上的吉池(jeepool)节点,我们从EOSC主网启动之初,就积极参与EOSC的节点建设中,每周为社区用户整理一周内EOSC相关数据和资讯,制作EOSC一周快报,宣传EOSC相关动态,为EOSC主网更好发展献计献策,跟EOSC团队和EOSC社区一起走过2018年的寒冬。
2、如果竞选成功,你将怎么做? (1)节点易还有10000多名成员的社群,如果竞选成功,我们团队将会在社区维护、市场宣传上给EOSC提供支持。 (2)同时,节点易(jeepool)会积极联系熟悉的交易平台,争取让EOSC登录更多交易平台。 (3)节点易(jeepool)也会积极响应EOSC主网管理委员会、EOSC秘书处和各个超级节点组织的会议,为EOSC主网做更多贡献。
3、有哪些相关的历史经验? (1)EOSC上线之我们初就担任EOSC第一届秘书处成员,积极参与节点生态建设。 (2)节点易还成功当选IOST、IRIS、IoTeX等多条主链的节点,在节点建设、主链社区治理有丰富经验。 (3)我们旗下还有自媒体:币圈百科,币乎大V号:大毛向前冲等媒体账号,和很多KOL很熟悉,在市场宣传上有丰富资源。
4、联系方式 竞选人:节点易(jeepool)节点 微信号:coinmartdamao 网站:
5、EOSC用户名 jeepool
I am a big hair, Staking portal node easy to founder, from the media currency encyclopedia. This time, the Jeepool node participated in the EOSC main network management committee election. The node (jeepool) node is the jeeppool node on the original EOSC main network. From the beginning of the EOSC main network, we actively participated in the EOSC node construction, and compiled the EOSC related data and information for the community users every week. Produce EOSC one-week newsletter, promote EOSC related news, provide suggestions for better development of EOSC main network, and walk through the 2018 winter with EOSC team and EOSC community.
(1) The node has more than 10,000 members of the community. If the election is successful, our team will provide support to EOSC in community maintenance and marketing. (2) At the same time, Jeepool will actively contact the familiar trading platform and strive to allow EOSC to log in to more trading platforms. (3) Jeepool will also actively respond to the meetings of the EOSC main network management committee, the EOSC secretariat and various super-node organizations to make more contributions to the EOSC main network.
(1) On the EOSC, we have been the first member of the EOSC Secretariat and actively participated in the node ecological construction. (2) The node is also successfully selected as the node of multiple backbones such as IOST, IRIS, IoTeX, etc., and has rich experience in node construction and main chain community governance. (3) We also have self-media: Encyclopedia of the currency circle, the currency of the big V: Da Mao forward and other media accounts, and many KOL are very familiar with the rich resources in the market promotion.
Contact information Candidate: node easy (jeepool) node wechat: coinmartdamao Website: EOSC account : jeepool
1、自我介绍: 大家好~!我是原力第一黑粉:L。2017年之前一直从事传统金融行业,包括但不限于基金、P2P、担保、民融登等行业,主要是从事帮民企国企制定相应的投融资方案、撰写相应的尽调报告等工作。2017年底开始接触并进入币圈,学习区块链的基本知识,在并不懂任何代码的情况下了解POW、POS的逻辑关系和工作原理。2018年曾从事组织某社区成员学习《精通比特币》,多次帮项目方组织meetup和社区运营,为SCSC、KKK、MT等项目撰写和修改白皮书等工作。2018年6月接触eosforce.io之后一直关注其生态建设和技术发展。
2、如果竞选成功,你将怎么做? 因为L既不是开发团队成员也不是节点成员,所以可以更理智和轻松的看待各种提案申请。如果竞选成功,在拿到某项目申请资料之后,首先需要独立和客观的分析申请项目的基本情况,初步对项目有个自己的判断。然后会听从社群的意见和看法,对专业的问题询问相关人士,得出想要的答案。最后跟项目申请人进行有效的沟通,跟进项目落地情况,配合项目方宣传。 如果竞选成功,我会把EOSFORCE主网管理委员会的工作放在一个重要位置,不会因为任何原因耽误此工作的进展。
3、相关历史经验 自2018年6月接触eosforce.io之后,一直关注其生态建设和技术发展。见证了eosforce.io的发展过程和其中遇到的问题,并提出相应的改进建议。在coinlord还健在的时候积极参与其社群管理、奖励制度制定等。担任“EOSC原力神秘基地”群主之后成功把原力社群的“太平间”变为“菜市场”。我虽然不是超级节点成员,但旁听的BP会议比大部分BP还要多,对eosforce.io有深刻了解,熟读孤矢三部著作《上车》《希望》《下棋》。
4、联系方式 竞选人:L 微信:zhiyaoyigeweixiao 邮箱
Self introduction I was the first black powder: the Eosforce L.Before 2017 has been engaged in traditional financial industry, including but not limited to, funds, P2P, guarantees, melting and other industries, mainly engaged in help corporation to formulate the corresponding state-owned enterprises investment and financing plan, compile the corresponding to the best of the report, etc.Begin to contact and into the currency circle at the end of 2017, learning basic knowledge of the block chain, in the case of don't understand any code know POW, the logical relations and the working principle of POS.2018 was engaged in some community members to learn "Proficient in Bitcoin", many times to help project party organization meetup and community, for the SCSC, KKK, MT items such as writing and revising the paper work.After June 2018 contact always pay close attention to its ecological construction and technology development.
If elected, what will you do? Because L is neither a development team members are not a member of the node, so you can apply more and easily at the various proposals.If elected, after get some project application data, you first need to independent and objective analysis of the basic situation of the application project, preliminary to the project have a my own judgment.Then follow the community's opinions and views, to ask related professional personage, want to answer.The final item with the applicant for effective communication, be born, follow the project with project party propaganda. If elected, I'll provids the management committee of work in an important position, not for any reason delay the progress of the work.
The related history Since June 2018 contact, always pay close attention to its ecological construction and technology development.Witnessed development process and its problems, and puts forward corresponding Suggestions for improvement.When coinlord living actively participate in the community management, incentive system, etc.As a "mysterious EOSC base" group manager after successfully put the eosforce of the community "morgue" into "market".I although not a member of super node, but present, BP, meeting more than most of the BP to have deep understanding, perusal cyborg three books "aboard" "hope" "chess".
Contact information Candidate: L WeChat: zhiyaoyigeweixiao E-mail:
- 系方式 竞选人:BEPAL怡宝 微信号:BEPAL02
- EOSC用户名 eosc33eosc33
Hello, everyone. I am the chief chat officer and image spokesperson of BEPAL -- YIBAO. It's my pleasure to participate in the EOSC administrator campaign on behalf of BEPAL.
If I succeed in this election, I‘ll use of my rich community operation experience, make full use BEPAL's existing PR, community, technology, channels and other resources as well as all the resources of its incubator Staking squared platform, and work with EOSC community to maintain ecological harmony, realize ecological prosperity and grow together.
I have been working in BEPAL for years. BEPAL is a comprehensive blockchain service provider centering on blockchain aggregate access, multi-link data management and private key security technology. I am familiar with many media and public chain ecology, serving various projects, and rich experience in live and AMA, with very good results.
Contact information Candidate: BEPAL YIBAO wechat: BEPAL02 EOSC account: eosc33eosc33
联系方式 竞选人:易传棋 邮箱 微信号:865610508
5、EOSC用户名 legendyi
Hello everyone, I am Yi Chuanqi, and I am currently doing technical community operations in the EOSfoce community. Represented the EOSforce team in this campaign. I entered the blockchain industry from 2017. The first ICO project I participated in was EOS. I had previously worked as a super node in the EOS community, worked as an EOS offline signature wallet, and participated in EOS community governance and arbitration ECAF. At the same time, it has also done POS mining pools, and participates in public chain projects, EOS, ETH, Cosmos, Boca, and DIfinity.
If the election is successful, I will actively and objectively approve the budget system for the promotion of EOSC in a fair and equitable manner, conduct unified decision-making and work on behalf of the EosForce team, and seriously participate in community governance.
1) The output of technical content, including EosForce design mechanism, Dops, cross-chain, sharding, account system, transaction hashing and other content output and vernacular interpretation article popular science propaganda. 2) Communication between the campaign and the community, representing Eosforce for communication and organization of each community event. 3) Actively and objectively approve each proposal of the budget system in a fair and equitable manner, and use every budget for the EOSC main network to ensure that each point is fair, open and fair.
Organized and hosted EOS National Meetup, including EOS Family Day, Xiamen, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu Meet up, participated in the EOS node campaign. EOS Community Governance and Arbitration ECAF. The EOS community builds and operates from zero to one, and the promotion and use of EOS Dapp.
Contact information Candidate: Yi Chuanqi E-mail: Wechat: 865610508 EOSC account: legendyi
联系方式: 竞选人:Jack.Xu(徐鹏军) 微信号:LaoXu13615237140 邮箱 5、eosc用户名: ajun123
I am Jack Xu , currently engaged in AI the health care industry, There is a very strong interest in medical data information on the blockchain.I opened the two companies, specialized in traditional Internet information technology services, another company is specialized in medical science and technology service company, the company has medical data resource is very precious.I am in contact with the blockchain in 2017, Entering the cryptocurrency circle in mid-2018 year.Personal investment many chain project, including eosc, although the eos appear earlier, but when the eosforce project after I buy the eosc decisively, because I think it's the mechanism will be improved.At the moment, I and my team began SlarityChain blockchain project, platform released recently, hope in the future can docking eosc, grow up together.
If elected, I will surely do our best to promote eosc, hold offline meetup, let more people know eosc, join the eosc support team to enhance the eosc consensus.I'll LABS plate of the platform at the same time, to add the force plate, focus on propaganda, and to drop eosc user SRT, let users understand the eosc Slarity platforms, and join the eosc consensus.
As a general economic researchers, I personally leading SlarityChain project the paper writing, and emphasized the importance of community governance and the related measures, the content and the management idea of the eosforce, and the preparation of the management committee and elected once again proved that this is the trend and the future.I believe I in addition to being able to lead their project progress, can still in eosc management committee to devote himself to offer all the forces, promoting growth for both two items.
Contact information: Candidate: Jack.Xu Wechat :LaoXu13615237140 E-mail: Eosc account: ajun123
- 联系方式
- 自我介绍
- 如果竞选成功,你将怎么做?
- 相关历史经验
- 联系方式
微信号:wxw9708 电话:17853553258 5.EOSC用户名 wxw
Hello everyone, I am a poison show. Currently a fourth-year student in economics. It’s been four years since the experience of cryptocurrency. I have experienced the market, such as bulls and bears, bursting positions, etc., and now I am committed to popularizing among college students, especially college students, cx blockchain and cryptocurrency. I also hope that eosc can grow into a typical blockchain world. I only paid attention to the eos in the first half of the 2018 year, and I also entered the EOS Force Community by mistake. The atmosphere of the Eos Force community is very strange, unlike the coin community that I have been exposed to in the past. After understanding the difference between eos and eosc, (the eosc main network was not online at the time) chose the eosc community. As an investor who is firmly optimistic about the long-term development of eosc, he has not sold an eosc in the past year or so, and insisted on making a vote. He has listened to almost every node meeting and is familiar with the series of eosc main network since the launch. Variety.
If you are fortunate enough to stand for election, I will treat each proposal carefully, fairly, and speculatively. As an individual investor who has long been optimistic about the development of eosforce, there is no stakeholder other than eosc itself, and it can treat each application proposal fairly.
Contact information Wechat: wxw9708 Phone: 17853553258 EOSC account: wxw
1.Management Committee Introduction
The EOSFC Mainet Management Committee aims to manage the approval of the decentralized budget system proposal, monitor the implementation of the proposer, and promote a more rational and equitable distribution of the decentralized budget system. The members of the management committee are composed of the top 5 elections voted by the super node according to the voting, and the initial members of the management committee are 5 seats. 5% of all approved proposal fees are automatically entered into the management committee's salary account as a member of the management committee's salary.
2.Please provide the campaign registration materials in the following format.
- Self introduction
- If the election is successful, what are you going to do?
- What are the relevant historical experiences?
- Contact information
- EOSC account
3. Management Committee Election Registration Instructions
- Registration time: 2019.9.20——2019.10.5 (UTC+8)
- Application conditions: Any individual or organization can participate in the election of members of the Management Committee.
- Please participate in the registration as much as possible to provide registration information, not limited to the above materials.
- Please submit your registration information in the comments section.ecretariat
2019.9.20 Secretariat
- 自我介绍
- 如果竞选成功,你将怎么做?
- 有哪些相关的历史经验?
- 联系方式
- EOSC用户名
- 报名时间:2019.9.20——2019.10.5(UTC+8)
- 报名条件:任何个人和组织都可以参与管理委员会成员竞选。
- 请参与报名人员尽可能详细提供报名资料,不局限上述材料内容。
- 报名信息请提交在评论区。
排名 | 节点名称 | BP NAME | 候选人投票结果 |
1 | everest | everest | 汪伟 eoswake舍得jeepool大毛 bepal怡宝 Jack徐鹏军 |
2 | 麦子钱包 | mathwalletbp | 汪伟、大毛、L、舍得、郭英 |
3 | blockpro | blockpro | Blockpro投给:舍得,大毛,易传棋,郭英,徐鹏军 |
4 | 原力觉醒 | eosawake | L,郭英,怡宝,舍得,汪伟 |
5 | kucoinisrich | kucoinisrich | eoswake舍得,郭英, jeepool大毛, bepal怡宝, 易传棋 |
6 | 水木社区 | eosshuimu | 汪伟 eoswake舍得 jeepool大毛 Jack徐鹏军 一枝毒秀 |
7 | eostrust | eostrust | 汪伟 eoswake舍得 jeepool大毛 bepal怡宝 开发团队易传棋 |
8 | hexlantttttt | hexlantttttt | eoswake舍得 jeepool大毛 汪伟 bepal怡宝 开发团队易传棋 |
9 | 欧柚 | | L,郭英,怡宝,舍得,汪伟。 |
10 | 机器X | jiqix | 汪伟 eoswake舍得 jeepool大毛 Jack徐鹏军 一枝毒秀 |
11 | 泰坦社区 | titanforce | |
12 | 中原区块链 | ccbc | eoswake舍得 jeepool大毛 bepal怡宝 开发团队易传棋 Jack徐鹏军 |
13 | Cindy Daily | cindydaily | 大毛,舍得,汪伟,郭英,L |
14 | eosecoio | eosecoio | 汪伟 eoswake舍得 jeepool大毛 bepal怡宝 开发团队易传棋 |
15 | 节点易 | jeepool | 汪伟 L 大毛 舍得 易传棋 |
16 | 古德社区 | eosgod | |
17 | onetaoforce | onetaoforce | eoswake舍得 jeepool大毛 bepal怡宝 开发团队易传棋 Jack徐鹏军 |
18 | | | |
19 | coinbasenode | coinbasenode | |
20 | 原力天下 | sky.eosc | 汪伟 eoswake舍得 jeepool大毛 Jack徐鹏军 一枝毒秀 |
21 | eospeople | eospeople | 汪伟 eoswake舍得 郭英 jeepool大毛 L |
22 | biquannode | biquannode | |
23 | forcesphere | forcesphere |
候选人 | 得票数 |
eoswake舍得 | 17 |
jeepool大毛 | 15 |
汪伟 | 13 |
bepal怡宝 | 9 |
开发团队易传棋 | 8 |
郭英 | 7 |
Jack徐鹏军 | 7 |
黑粉L | 6 |
一枝毒秀 | 3 |
1.Management Committee Introduction
The EOSFC Mainet Management Committee aims to manage the approval of the decentralized budget system proposal, monitor the implementation of the proposer, and promote a more rational and equitable distribution of the decentralized budget system. The members of the management committee are composed of the top 5 elections voted by the super node according to the voting, and the initial members of the management committee are 5 seats. 5% of all approved proposal fees are automatically entered into the management committee's salary account as a member of the management committee's salary.
2.Please provide the campaign registration materials in the following format.
3. Management Committee Election Registration Instructions
2019.9.20 Secretariat