eosnetworkfoundation / devrel

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Rename all instance of Trust with EOS #177

Closed nsjames closed 1 year ago

nsjames commented 1 year ago



iamveritas commented 1 year ago

These are all the trust word occurrences that we need to address:


Repos (and the local TrustEVM dir/folder name resulted from pulling locally):


Branch name in the https://github.com/elmato/blockscout repo

git checkout trust

Binaries (search their names in all docs):

Tool parameter/s

./trustevm-rpc --api-spec=eth,net --http-port= --trust-evm-node= --chaindata=./chain-data

EVM genesis sample (json file):

"extraData": "TrustEVM",

iamveritas commented 1 year ago

PR in review: https://github.com/eosnetworkfoundation/docs/pull/59/files

lparisc commented 1 year ago

Added fixes/edits and merged.

iamveritas commented 1 year ago

we shall keep this open to track the changes that are still needed and listed here https://github.com/eosnetworkfoundation/devrel/issues/177#issuecomment-1465288465 all those changes are not in dev rel team control.

Joshua2Mars commented 1 year ago

Areg and Matias are trying to create a new repo and cleanup the "trust" thing. ETA: next monday