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SPIKE - Evaluate the EVM docs #178

Closed nsjames closed 1 year ago

nsjames commented 1 year ago


iamveritas commented 1 year ago

Proposed Structure for EOS EVM content

A TODO: below should be a separate task on dev rel project.

EOS EVM (main entry on the left side menu, what follows are sub-items/sub-sections)

What is EOS EVM (TODO: brief one page introduction to EOS EMV)
Connect to EOS EVM Network (TODO: improved current page content)
    How to Connect Metamask (current page content)
Develop on EOS EVM (TODO: ToS for its sub-items)
    Getting Started (TO DO: curated current content from "Smart Contracts" page)
    Smart Contracts
        Develop with Remix (current page content)
        Develop with Truffle Suite (TO DO: improved current content from existing sub-page)
        Develop with Hardhat (TO DO: new page, similar to Truffle one)
    Verify a Smart Contract (current page content)
    Compatibility (TODO: Tos for its sub-items)
        EVM Compatibility (TODO: curated and improved current page content)
        JSON RPC Compatibility (TODO: curated and improved current page content)
Architecture (TODO: current page content + what SMEs will provide in the future)
Resources (TODO: curated current page content)
nsjames commented 1 year ago
EOS EVM (main entry on the left side menu, what follows are sub-items/sub-sections)

What is EOS EVM (TODO: brief one page introduction to EOS EMV)
Getting Started (TODO: ToS for its sub-items)
        Connect Metamask (current page content)
    Smart Contracts
        Develop with Remix (current page content)
        Develop with Truffle Suite (TO DO: improved current content from existing sub-page)
        Develop with Hardhat (TO DO: new page, similar to Truffle one)
        Verify a Smart Contract (current page content)
Compatibility (TODO: Tos for its sub-items)
    EVM Compatibility (TODO: curated and improved current page content)
    JSON RPC Compatibility (TODO: curated and improved current page content)
Architecture (TODO: current page content + what SMEs will provide in the future)
Resources (TODO: curated current page content)
iamveritas commented 1 year ago

tasks created based on this spike: https://github.com/orgs/eosnetworkfoundation/projects/18/views/21?pane=issue&itemId=23515412 https://github.com/orgs/eosnetworkfoundation/projects/18/views/21?pane=issue&itemId=23515889 https://github.com/orgs/eosnetworkfoundation/projects/18/views/21?pane=issue&itemId=23516592