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Add section in consensus protocol for block finality calculation #304

Closed lparisc closed 11 months ago

lparisc commented 1 year ago

The actual time required for a transaction within a block to become final in the blockchain is a recurring theme. Currently, this calculation is missing from the documentation.

Perhaps a good place to explain this is in the Consensus Protocol within the 5.4. Block Finality section, here: https://docs.eosnetwork.com/docs/latest/protocol-guides/consensus-protocol#54-block-finality, right after all production-related concepts have been explained in 4.2. Producers schedule and 5. Block Lifecycle.


lparisc commented 1 year ago

Currently, each block becomes final in 180 seconds:

source: https://eosio.stackexchange.com/questions/445/how-long-on-average-before-a-transaction-included-in-a-block-is-final-and-irreve