eouia / MMM-CalendarExt

Calendar views for MagicMirror
MIT License
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Seek for css class #30

Closed landaisbenj closed 6 years ago

landaisbenj commented 6 years ago


I've do some change on my look but and don't find how change color of day's font. Someone can help me ?

A map with all class could be great...

I want to change this: image

And if you know, how make a fixed height of empty weeks and why my titlemonth have no caps on first letter, i take too...

fenixjr commented 6 years ago
.CALEXT .weeks th{
    color: #FFF

Just add that color line to the css and change to what you want. i think that should do it for you

landaisbenj commented 6 years ago

Hello. Thanks for your reply.

But don't work. I put screen tomorrow

landaisbenj commented 6 years ago

I've this

.CALEXT .weeks th{ width:100px; font-weight:normal; font-size:50%; color:#FFF; }

.CALEXT .weeks th { width:100px; color:#FFF; }

landaisbenj commented 6 years ago

It's the default css...

fenixjr commented 6 years ago

oh sorry. i'm on the "weeks" view (looks so similar i didnt notice), so it did it when i tested.

fenixjr commented 6 years ago
.CALEXT .month th{
    color: #FFF

Tested with that added and worked

landaisbenj commented 6 years ago

Okkk it's work really great!!! Really thanks. It's not implemented on default custom.css.

landaisbenj commented 6 years ago

Hello unfortunatly this make me white in number of week too... I don't want this because i make a white just on thisweek number... Do you have a solution ?