eouia / MMM-CalendarExt

Calendar views for MagicMirror
MIT License
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Add option to ignore certain events #52

Closed thomasmeeus closed 5 years ago

thomasmeeus commented 5 years ago


I would like to be able to exclude events from a calendar with a certain title like 'Birthday xx'. The default MM calendar plugin has the option 'excludedEvents'. Would it be hard to implement the same in this plugin?

If you can point me in the correct direction I want to try this myself, but I get a bit lost in all the javascript files as I'm not a dev :)


eouia commented 5 years ago

Sorry, In MMM-CalendarExt, there is no option about it. But my MMM-CalendarExt2 has filter option to do that way and more.

thomasmeeus commented 5 years ago

Oh nice! I didn't know there was a new version out. I'll check it out. thx!