eovchinn / ADP-pipeline

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henry-n700 seems to require gurobi 5.6 #3

Closed peschue closed 9 years ago

peschue commented 9 years ago

Deployment fails because henry-n700 now seems to require gurobi 5.6 instead of 5.1 as indicated in the installation instructions.

Those are two relevant log lines.

g++  src/algorithm.o src/function.o src/ilp.o -lpython2.7 -lsqlite3 -lgurobi_c++ -lgurobi56 -lpthread  -o ./bin/henry
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgurobi56

Should I try to use 5.6 instead or is this bound to fail?

peschue commented 9 years ago

With 5.6.3 it installs (it only requires a path change in setenv-linux64.sh).

eovchinn commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your comment! 5.6.3 should work, I updated the installation scripts.