eoyilmaz / displaycal-py3

DisplayCAL Modernization Project
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Build error: RuntimeError: Need Python version >= 3.8 <= 3.11, got 3.12.2 #335

Closed mzdial closed 3 months ago

mzdial commented 3 months ago

Excuse my little understanding on how to fix this problem. Perhaps others are having the same issue.

I've tried to force reinstall/rollback to python 3.10

brew install glib gtk+3 python@3.10

But I'm having this come up when I do the make launch:

source ./.venv/bin/activate; \ displaycal Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/mzdial/Downloads/displaycal-py3/.venv/bin/displaycal", line 4, in from DisplayCAL.main import main File "/Users/mzdial/Downloads/displaycal-py3/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/DisplayCAL/main.py", line 27, in raise RuntimeError( RuntimeError: Need Python version >= 3.8 <= 3.11, got 3.12.2 make: *** [launch] Error 1

How can I modify to make this work? Appreciate any help!

ethanbrookins commented 3 months ago

This guide helped me out a while back.

You just need to update your python3 path to specify the other version. You can have multiple versions installed in brew.

Specifically, in step 3, set the python version number in the path to the one you want to be the working default: export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python@3.10/libexec/bin:$PATH"

eoyilmaz commented 3 months ago

On the otherhand we should start testing DisplayCAL with Python 3.12 too.

mzdial commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the link! I was able to understand things a bit better. I ended up uninstalling 3.12 and rolling back to 3.10. I can get it to run now.

@eoyilmaz, Am I not understanding that this does not build a GUI MacOS executable? I found the command line binary in here: /displaycal-py3/.venv/bin/displaycal

Sorry for my lack of understanding. Not a python programmer!

This guide helped me out a while back.

You just need to update your python3 path to specify the other version. You can have multiple versions installed in brew.

Specifically, in step 3, set the python version number in the path to the one you want to be the working default: export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python@3.10/libexec/bin:$PATH"

jaminmc commented 3 months ago

I changed the max verion in the meta.py to: py_maxversion = (3, 12) and it compiles and runs fine :)

eoyilmaz commented 3 months ago

I changed the max verion in the meta.py to: py_maxversion = (3, 12) and it compiles and runs fine :)

Yeah I'm currently testing DisplayCAL with Python 3.12 and it seems to be working fine. I'll release a new version soon that supports Python 3.12.