eoyilmaz / displaycal-py3

DisplayCAL Modernization Project
GNU General Public License v3.0
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pytest (and DisplayCal itself) segfaults with python-3.12 on wxPython-4.2.1 import and exiting the application #341

Open p5k369 opened 3 months ago

p5k369 commented 3 months ago

If pytest is called with python-3.12 and wxPython is imported like import wx a segmentation fault is raised after the test.

Message that might also be relevant:

<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:488
  <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:488: DeprecationWarning: Type google._upb._message.MessageMapContainer uses PyType_Spec with a metaclass that has custom tp_new. This is deprecated and will no longer be allowed in Python 3.14.

<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:488
  <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:488: DeprecationWarning: Type google._upb._message.ScalarMapContainer uses PyType_Spec with a metaclass that has custom tp_new. This is deprecated and will no longer be allowed in Python 3.14.

Edit: It does not segfault on the import but after the test has run. Also DisplayCal itself closes with a segfault: Process finished with exit code 139 (interrupted by signal 11:SIGSEGV)

p5k369 commented 3 months ago

Indeed there is a problem with wxPython-4.2.1 not properly supporting python 3.12 which leads to the application segfaulting after closing. Should be fixed in next release as it is already fixed in the snapshot wxPython-4.2.2a1.dev5626.

See https://github.com/wxWidgets/Phoenix/issues/2455