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Lifetimes of App, Arg, ArgGroup: removing or relaxing #79

Open epage opened 2 years ago

epage commented 2 years ago

Issue by Rupsbant Thursday Sep 07, 2017 at 13:32 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/clap-rs/clap/issues/1041

Affected Version of clap

All 2.x. Breaking API change

Expected Behavior Summary

I want to decouple groups of options to several structs. I want to have a pair functions: one that adds arguments to an App with generated names, one that generates a structure with the added arguments.

Actual Behavior Summary

Uncompilable: the types don't allow to create String in a function and return a borrow.

Sample code

struct A {
impl A {
  fn arguments<'a, 'b>(prefix: &str) -> Vec<Arg<'a, 'b>> {
    let name = format!("{}.name", prefix);

Proposed solution

Since clap is dependent on its speed it's probably not an option to force 'String' instead of '&str'. However I think Cow should give enough options.

Alternative for me

Create a struct AParse to contain the owned strings, split the function arguments in two parts. A can generate an AParsestruct before creating the App object.

epage commented 2 years ago

Comment by kbknapp Thursday Sep 14, 2017 at 14:55 GMT

This is a focus of 3.x so stay tuned. I've been able to get some work done in spurts during lulls in my day job (which have been few and far between this year). Watch the 3x-master branch for details :wink:

epage commented 2 years ago

Comment by kbknapp Sunday Nov 12, 2017 at 20:07 GMT

Personally, I'd like to move away from storing &strs inside the Args as the name. This would solve lifetime issues as I want 3.x to be able to remove the Arg|App<'a, 'b> lifetimes. This could be solved by moving to owned Strings which takes a slight performance hit.


clap has two lifetimes for both Arg and App which reference the name, or key of the struct and data related to displaying of the help message or errors. clap uses name and key interchangeably.

clap used to only accept &'static strs because that's what 99% of users use. However, some users do dynamically create args and such, so we moved to &'key str and &'data str to refer to the name/key and display data. There reason these two are separate is because tying them to the same lifetime was cumbersome when one wanted to use 'static for one, but dynamically mess with the other.

Why not use String?

clap originally could have used an owned String to hold both the name and data, however for performance reasons we elected not to. I'm considering moving to String for the name/key as these are typically small, but am reluctant to use String for the data piece as this could be huge and I have yet to see someone who uses anything other than &'static str for such data.

Moving Forward

I want to get away from using &str for the name/key as this is preventing several key features like the ability to create no-* args on the fly.

We could move to Cow<'static, str> for data piece, but so far all attempts to do this have been a hassle. However, I'm OK with it being a hassle if the end result for users is better.

I'm open to ideas.

epage commented 2 years ago

Comment by epage Tuesday Jul 06, 2021 at 13:41 GMT

I wonder if kstring would be a good fit. Internally, its an Enum with variants for

I implemented this for liquid template engine for generating the data context to pass in when rendering. I had a similar situation where most data was 'static but not all. I wanted a more ergonomic Cow. I then also threw in small string optimization to bypass String where possible, because most of my strings were short.

epage commented 2 years ago

Comment by pksunkara Tuesday Jul 06, 2021 at 18:56 GMT

@epage Thanks for pointing it out. Do you know if there are any performance changes?

epage commented 2 years ago

Comment by epage Tuesday Jul 06, 2021 at 21:22 GMT

I just ran some of the benchmarks to double check.

For a rough comparison, it looks like Cow::Borrowed < KString::from_static < KString::from_string (small string, 16 or less) < String::from < KString::from_string (large string, 17+)

In terms of memory usage:

---- cow::test::test_size stdout ----
Cow: 32
KStringCow: 32

---- r#ref::test::test_size stdout ----
str: 16
KStringRef: 24

---- string::test::test_size stdout ----
String: 24
Box<str>: 16
Box<Box<str>>: 8
KString: 24
epage commented 2 years ago

Comment by pksunkara Tuesday Jul 06, 2021 at 21:26 GMT

My bad. Let me rephrase, I am concerned about the performance issues related to running time because of the indirections introduced by kstring or similar such library. Also pure Cow implementation has that IIUC (https://github.com/clap-rs/clap/pull/2504).

I haven't actually worked with something like this before, so my entire theory can be wrong.

epage commented 2 years ago

Comment by epage Tuesday Jul 06, 2021 at 21:46 GMT

My first comment was meant to give a rough idea of what runtime performance looks like compared to other options according to kstrings benchmarks. If there is interest in this direction, I can go implement support and run clap's benchmarks. I didn't want to spend time on something if there wasn't interest.

epage commented 2 years ago

Comment by pksunkara Tuesday Jul 06, 2021 at 21:55 GMT

You don't have to implement it for clap and run the benchmarks. What I am looking for is a small bench implemented purely on a struct containing a string with large number of iterations doing something which involves accessing the string inside the struct and cloning the struct.

Once we have these, if we make sure that the performance is not too bad, we can go ahead with implementation.

If the performance is concerning, we can still implement it but should. provide cargo features to let user pick and choose. I haven't looked into kstring, but hopefully it allows something like this.

epage commented 2 years ago

Comment by epage Thursday Jul 08, 2021 at 14:35 GMT

https://github.com/cobalt-org/kstring/pull/6 has the code used for the benchmarks as well as the numbers with some basic analysis.

The summary is:

For clone there seems to be a 10ns overhead that, if it can be diagnosed and fixed, would close the gap with Cow. I suspect this is fixable or else we would see this same slowdown on deref.

EDIT: I've not updated my charts above but I have dropped the overhead from 10ns to 5ns by not inlining clone(). My guess is we were thrashing the icache.

epage commented 2 years ago

Comment by kbknapp Thursday Jul 08, 2021 at 14:48 GMT

The only "downside" my naive glance at kstring presents to clap specifically in regards to the spirit of this issue is that not all strings of the App/Arg/etc structs could be made into kstrings, i.e. the help/about strings can and often do extend well beyond the 16 bytes mentioned (often into the hundreds or thousands of bytes). So if we still have some lifetimes around for those help/about strings, the signature of the struct ultimately remains unchanged for end users.

Performance is another matter entirely though, and we may well benefit from something other than &str, even if the struct signature doesn't change.

epage commented 2 years ago

Comment by epage Thursday Jul 08, 2021 at 14:59 GMT

kstring::KString overflows from inline strings to the heap, so it can handle any arbitrary string. Its effectively a enum { Static(&'static), Inline(...), Heap(Box<str>) }.

epage commented 2 years ago

Comment by pksunkara Friday Jul 09, 2021 at 11:16 GMT

The performance actually looks good to me.

If we were to use this, kstring needs to implement From for all inputs we want to take. I think &'help str is missing.

epage commented 2 years ago

Comment by epage Friday Jul 09, 2021 at 13:52 GMT

kstring::KString implements From for

My assumption is that clap argument types break down as:

If that lines up with others thoughts, then KString covers the majority cases and makes the optimal case easy. In rare cases, someone will have to reach for KString::from_ref.

EDIT: If not, I guess expanding the scope of From<&str> could be put behind a non-default feature flag since it would be expanding what types are expected and only have an impact on performance and only then when going to the heap.