epam / NGB

New Genome Browser (NGB) - a Web - based NGS data viewer with unique Structural Variations (SVs) visualization capabilities, high performance, scalability, and cloud data support
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Metabolic pathways visualisation #731

Open mzueva opened 2 years ago

mzueva commented 2 years ago


Metabolic pathways are series of chemical reactions that start with a substrate and finish with an end product. These pathways are being displayed as certain kind of infographics, often called "maps". Maps can be as public ones received from different sources like BioCyc database and as well as internal, produced by pathway modelling software. NGB shall support visualization of both types of pathway maps.


Pathways panel

A new Pathways panel shall be added. This panel shall be available:

In all described cases, a new Pathways panel should be opened that is placed as other side panels - at the right side of the page. This panel should contain:

Example of view: image


  • if the Pathways panel was opened from the VIEWS item of the main menu - this panel should be empty as shown on the image above (search field is empty, sub-tabs are empty too)
  • if the Pathways panel was opened from the context menu when clicking any gene/feature - the name of that gene/feature should be specified to search field and the search should be performed over external pathways database by selected gene/feature name (example of the Pathways panel view in this case see below)

Databases sub-tab

After user has specified the search keyword and click the Search button or just opened the Pathways panel from the context menu when clicking any gene/feature, the search should be performed over external pathways databases by the keyword/gene or feature name. Results of the search should be displayed in the "Databases" sub-tab, e.g.: image

Search results should contain a list of found maps from external pathways database. Each record should contain the following fields:

Note: list of found records should support pagination

The "Map" column should contain hyperlinks - user can click any record in this list to open details of the specific metabolic pathways map. The new form with map details should be opened in the same sub-tab instead previous list, e.g.: image

This form shall contain:

Search over the pathway User shall have the ability to search over pathway objects - via the search control at the additional capabilities panel:

Add annotation to the pathway User shall have the ability to add annotation(s) to the displayed map. This annotation should allow to colorize the map. The following annotations shall be supported:

To add an annotation, user shall click the "Add+" control at the additional capabilities panel. A pop-up shall appear, e.g.: image

This pop-up shall contain:

If user selects any annotation from the dropdown list or load from the local TSV/CSV file, the view of that pop-up shall be changed:

If user selects "Manual colors config" - no additional controls appear, in this case user should manually specify the colorization scheme and annotation name if needs, e.g.: image

When the annotation was saved:


Manage the annotations:


Pathways sub-tab

Pathways sub-tab can be opened manually. Here, the search over internal NGB pathways should be performed - by the keyword/gene or feature name. Search should be performed over the following fields of pathway maps:

Results of the search should be displayed in the same sub-tab - similar to Databases sub-tab, but without map IDs and thumbnails, e.g.: image

Each record should contain the following fields:


  • List of found records should support pagination
  • Table should supports sorting by "Map" column

The "Map" column should contain hyperlinks - user can click any record in this list to open details of the specific metabolic pathways map. The new form with map details should be opened in the same sub-tab instead previous list. Content and functionality for internal maps details should be fully similar to external database maps, the single difference - the map image should be generated and drawn from pathway map file in SBGN-xml format, e.g.: image

Internal pathways

BioCYC Pathways integration

Pathways annotation

Map colorizing shall be different according to the annotation source.

Annotation file

When user selects heatmap/TSV or CSV file as annotation, the matrix format of the annotation is expected. In this case:

If the continuous scheme is selected, the algorithm of the colorizing should be the following:

For example, if the annotation file looks like:

Gene1     -0.87
Gene2     0.1
Gene3     0.93
Gene4     0.99
Gene5     -0.8

Then, the following example map with applied annotation shall be colorized in the way (if the gradient colors were selected correspondingly): image

For example, if the annotation file looks like:

          Sample1       Sample2
Gene1     -0.87         0.02
Gene2     0.1           -0.45
Gene3     0.93          0.88
Gene4     0.99
Gene5     -0.8          -0.9

Then, the following example map with applied annotation shall be colorized in the way (if the gradient colors were selected correspondingly): image

If the discrete scheme is selected, the algorithm of the colorizing should be the following:

For example, if the annotation file looks like:

          Sample1       Sample2
Gene1     -0.87         0.02
Gene2     0.1           -0.45
Gene3     0.93          0.88
Gene4     0.99
Gene5     -0.8          -0.9

Then, the following example map with applied annotation shall be colorized in the way (if colors were selected correspondingly): image

Manual colorization

Manual colorization annotation is expected in the following format:

<object_identifier_1>    <background_color1>[,<foreground_color1>]
<object_identifier_2>    <background_color2>[,<foreground_color2>]

Note: color can be specified in HEX format (in this case, it should start with # symbol, e.g. #ffffff) or as HTML color name (e.g. White)

The algorithm of the colorizing should be the following:

For example, if the manual annotation config looks like:

Gene1     #121212
Gene2     Yellow,#ffab00
Gene3     Green,#cca837
Gene4     Red
Gene5     #000000,White

Then, the following example map with applied annotation shall be colorized in the way: image

Additional details

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Missing pathway map for 'Glycolysis 2'

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  3. Go to PATHWAYS panel
  4. Enter 1 value in Search keyword field
  5. Click on Glycolysis2 hyperlink in 'Name' column
  6. Look at PATHWAYS sub-tab

Expected result: Specific pathways map should be displayed in the PATHWAYS sub-tab

Actual result: Text data outside of root node. Line: 0 Column: 63 Char: } text displays instead Glycolysis2 pathways map

@mzueva @okolesn

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: 400 error appears after applying sorting in the PATHWAYS search result table

Prerequisites: Open console (F12)

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  3. Go to PATHWAYS panel
  4. Enter 1 value in Search keyword field
  5. Sort by 'Map' column
  6. Look at PATHWAYS sub-tab

Expected result: The results in the table are displayed according to the applied sorting No errors in the console

Actual result: Sorting is applied. No values in the search results table 400 error displays in the console

Extra details: Infinite loader is displayed in the PATHWAYS sub-tab when trying to search again The results are displayed in the table after reloading the page

@mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: The map scale is reset to default after switching to another panel

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Go to PATHWAYS panel
  3. Search by any pathway in Search keyword field (e.g. Repressilator)
  4. Click on result in the Map column (e.g. Repressilator)
  5. Zoom in/out the map
  6. Remember scale of the map
  7. Go to any another panel (e.g. DATASETS)
  8. Go back to PATHWAYS panel

Actual result: Zoom of the mao should be the same as it was remembered in 6 step

Expected result: The zoom is reset to default after switching to another panel

@mzueva @rodichenko @DmitriiKrasnov

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Node highlighting disappears after applying the 'Reset to default' button

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Go to PATHWAYS panel
  3. Search by any pathway in Search keyword field (e.g. Repressilator)
  4. Click on search result in the Map column (e.g. Repressilator)
  5. Add annotation (e.g. Laclp LimeGreen,#45abff) and click Apply button
  6. Click Reset Default view button
  7. Take a look at the node specified in the annotation (e.g. Laclp)

Expected result: Node specified in the annotation (e.g. Laclp) should be highlighted (e.g. LimeGreen,#45abff)

Actual result: All nodes do not have a highlight after clicking the Reset Default view button

@mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Apply button is active in annotations if <Enter> set between conditions

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Go to PATHWAYS panel
  3. Search by any pathway in Search keyword field (e.g. Repressilator)
  4. Click on search result in the Map column (e.g. Repressilator)
  5. Click + button in the Annotation window
  6. Mark Manual colors config checkbox
  7. Enter the following conditions below checkbox:
    Laclp   LimeGreen
    Tetm    Red
  8. Look at Apply button

Expected result: Apply button should be disabled

Actual result: Apply button is active

@mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Server error is displayed when searching for some keywords

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Go to PATHWAYS panel
  3. Enter 'and' keword in Search keyword field
  4. Click Search button
  5. Look at results below search field

Expected result: 1) Matched search result should be displayed in the table 2) Nothing found. Try to search another gene. phrase should be displayed if there are no matches in the search results

Actual result: An error displays in the panel: image

Extra details: The same behavior for 'or' keyword And for uppercase (AND,OR)

@mzueva @okolesn

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Server errors are displayed when searching for some special characters

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Go to PATHWAYS panel
  3. Enter '*^' value in Search keyword field
  4. Click Search button
  5. Look at results below search field

Expected result: Nothing found. Try to search another gene. phrase should be displayed if there are no matches in the search results

Actual result: An error displays in the panel:


Extra details: The same behavior for following values: !, (,),-,+,[

image image image image image


Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Some notes after conversation with @DmitriiKrasnov

  1. Each map should have its own annotations. Verified
  2. Heatmaps and manual annotations should be saved, CSV files - not.
Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Map scale remains the same after applying the Restore default view button

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel
  3. Apply search by any pathway (e.g. Repressilator)
  4. Open search result (e.g. Repressilator)
  5. Zoom in (or zoom out) the map
  6. Click Restore default view button
  7. Look at the map

Expected result: The map should be autoscaled - fitted by width

Actual result: Scale of the map stays the same does not fit to the width

@mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Previously selected node remains selected when revisiting the map page

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel
  3. Apply search by value Glycolysis1
  4. Open search result Glycolysis1
  5. Look at D-Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate node in the map

Expected result: The whole map should be without highlights

Actual result: D-Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate node is highlighted as selected node (in brown)


Extra details: The same behavior for Glycolysis



Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: The Apply button is enabled if no heatmaps are selected or added to annotations.

Prerequisites: Open Console (F12)

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Go to Pathways
  3. Select BRCA1 pathway in the Search keyword field and apply Search
  4. Click BRCA1 pathway
  5. Click A button (annotations)
  6. Set checkbox in Select heatmap file field
  7. Click Apply button

Expected result: Apply button shouldn't be clickable for fields without added heatmaps. Errors shouldn't be displayed in the console

Actual result: Apply button is clickable. An error displays in the console:

app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:60 TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'rows')
    at app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:1064:95514
    at ngbPathwaysAnnotationService.value (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:1064:95664)
    at ngbPathwaysAnnotationAddDlgController.value (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:1049:398255)
    at fn (eval at compile (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:60:155706), <anonymous>:4:738)
    at expensiveCheckFn (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:60:178880)
    at callback (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:60:249496)
    at Scope.$eval (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:60:195953)
    at Scope.$apply (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:60:196292)
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:60:249603)
    at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:39:58996)

Extra details: The same behavior with checkbox Upload TSV/CSV :

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'columnLabels')
    at app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:1064:95198
    at ngbPathwaysAnnotationService.value (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:1064:95372)
    at ngbPathwaysAnnotationAddDlgController.value (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:1049:398255)
    at fn (eval at compile (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:60:155706), <anonymous>:4:738)
    at expensiveCheckFn (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:60:178880)
    at callback (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:60:249496)
    at Scope.$eval (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:60:195953)
    at Scope.$apply (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:60:196292)
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:60:249603)
    at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:39:58996)
    at HTMLButtonElement.elemData.handle (app.bundle.9705ab3038a4620f71e0.js:39:55827)

@DmitriiKrasnov @mzueva @rodichenko

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: The values specified in the heatmap and displayed in the annotations are different

Prerequisites: Open Console (F12)

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Go to Pathways
  3. Select BRCA1 pathway in the Search keyword field and apply Search
  4. Click BRCA1 pathway
  5. Click A button (annotations)
  6. Set checkbox in Select heatmap file field
  7. Select BRCA1-annotation heatmap in dropdown menu
  8. Select Discrete type
  9. Look at colored values

Expected result: Heatmap values should be displayed


Actual result: The following values displays in the discrete type:

image image

@DmitriiKrasnov @mzueva @rodichenko

Not reproducible

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: The second search is performed not for the entire phrase

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS
  3. Find and open pwycollage.graph
  4. Apply search with following values: bisphosphatase: ybhA
  5. Look at pathway

Expected result: Only one node should be highlighted: fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase: ybhA

Actual result: Almost all nodes are highlighted


Extra details: Only one match is found in console:


@rodichenko @DmitriiKrasnov @mzueva

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Nodes remain highlighted after applying search with an empty field

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS
  3. Find and open pwycollage.graph
  4. Apply search with following values: bisphosphatase: ybhA
  5. Сlear the Search field
  6. Apply search with empty Search field
  7. Look at pathway

Expected result: Nodes are not highlighted

Actual result: Previously highlighted nodes remain highlighted


@rodichenko @DmitriiKrasnov @mzueva

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Pathway display does not change to default after clicking Restore default view button (for collages only)

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel
  3. Find and open pwycollage.graph
  4. Go to pathway
  5. Remember the location of nodes and edges
  6. Change location of any node or edge
  7. Click Reset to default view button
  8. Look at Pathway

Expected result: Pathway display changed to default view after clicking Restore default view button

Actual result: Pathway display does not change to default after clicking Restore default view button

@rodichenko @DmitriiKrasnov @mzueva

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Values are not pulled from the added heatmap file in discrete view in annotations

Prerequisites: Create heatmap file: e.g. Pathway-ann.csv with following values:


To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel
  3. Find and open Repressilator_PD
  4. Click A (annotations) button
  5. Click + (add annotation) button
  6. Set checkbox in Upload CSV/TSV field
  7. Click Choose CSV/TSV file button
  8. Add file from Prerequisites: Pathway-ann.csv
  9. Set Discrete view

Expected result: Values should be automatically displayed from the added heatmap file in discrete view Range checkbox should be displayed near values (flag is not set by default)

Actual result: No values in the discrete view.


Extra details: Nodes are highlighted in black after clicking the Apply button


The range view is displayed when you click on the Add Color button No Range checkboxes in the Discrete view


@rodichenko @mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Canceled changes are applied to the color scheme

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel
  3. Find and open Repressilator_PD
  4. Click A (annotations) button
  5. Click + (add annotation) button
  6. Set checkbox in Select heatmap file field
  7. Select BRCA1-annotation heatmap in dropdown menu
  8. Set Continuous type (if not set)
  9. Change any color (e.g. LOW from Green to Pink)
  10. Click Cancel button
  11. Open created annotation (BRCA1-annotation)

Expected result: LOW color should be Green Pathway's nodes should be highlighted according to the set values

Actual result: LOW color is Pink


Pathway nodes are highlighted according to the values in the color scheme.


Extra details: The same behavior for Upload TSV/CSV checkbox

@rodichenko @mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Need to improve:

  1. Nice to have any validation message for heatmap files with empty or wrong data in annotations: E.g. "Wrong file format"
  2. It would be great to have highlighting nodes and edges in light gray for collages, like in an external application
  3. It would be great to automatically substitute annotation names every time depending on the selected checkbox - Verified

@DmitriiKrasnov @mzueva

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Apply button is disabled after uploading CSV/TSV filed in annotations

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel
  3. Find and open BRCA1
  4. Click A (annotations) button
  5. Click + (add annotation) button
  6. Set checkbox in Upload CSV/TSV field
  7. Click Choose CSV/TSV file button
  8. Add any CSV/TSV file
  9. Set checkbox in Manual colors config field
  10. Enter any value
  11. Repeat 6-8 steps
  12. Look at Apply button

Expected result: Apply button should be active

Actual result: Apply button is disabled


@rodichenko @mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Manual annotations and with heatmap files are not saved in the annotation pop-up

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel
  3. Find and open BRCA1
  4. Add any manual annotation
  5. Add any annotation with heatmap file
  6. Remember names of created annotations
  7. Wait some hours (e.g. due to next day)
  8. Repeat 1-3 steps
  9. Open annotations window

Expected result: Manual and annotations with heatmap files should be displayed in the annotation window

Actual result: No saved annotations: manual and annotations with heatmap files

@rodichenko @mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Nodes remain highlighted after applying search to collage pathway

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel
  3. Find and open pwycollage.graph
  4. Enter bisphosphatase in the Search field
  5. Apply search
  6. Look at earlier highlighted nodes

Expected result: All matched nodes should have green text without gray highlight

Actual result: All matched nodes have light gray highlight


Extra details: Highlight nodes remains even after clearing search

@rodichenko @mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Edges move a little after clicking Restore default view button

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel
  3. Find and open BRCA1 pathway
  4. Click Restore default view button
  5. Look at edges on the map

Expected result: The map should be unchanged if no changes have been made before.

Actual result: Edges move a little


@mzueva @rodichenko @DmitriiKrasnov

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Apply button is disabled after switching between checkboxes in annotations

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel
  3. Find and open BRCA1
  4. Click A (annotations) button
  5. Set checkbox in Upload CSV/TSV field
  6. Unset checkbox in Upload CSV/TSV field
  7. Set checkbox in Manual colors config field
  8. Enter any value
  9. Look at Apply button

Expected result: Apply button should be active

Actual result: Apply button is disabled

Extra details: Same behavior for all toggle options between checkboxes

@rodichenko @mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: The map slides to the right or left when zooming in or out

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel in main menu
  3. Find and open pathway BRCA1
  4. Click on + button
  5. Double click on - button

Expected result: The pathway map should maximize and minimize in the center of the PATHWAYS panel

Actual result: 5) The pathway's map slides to the bottom right corner when zooming in 6) The pathway's map slides to the left upper corner when zooming out

@rodichenko @mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: An error displays in the console after opening PATHWAYS panel from track

Prerequisites Open console (Ctrl+F12)

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel in main menu
  3. Find and open Pwycollage E.Coli
  4. Search by ybha in the Search field
  5. Click on highlighted value
  6. Go to gene's track on BROWSER panel
  7. Open Context menu
  8. Click Show pathways
  9. Look at console

Expected result: No errors in the console. Pathways panel is opened

Actual result: Pathways panel is opened An error displays in the console

app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1049 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'isHeadless')
    at Core.headless (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1049:80163)
    at app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1047:52662
    at cachedBoundingBoxImpl (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1047:56462)
    at Collection.elesfn$k.boundingBox (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1047:58057)
    at update (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1047:45276)
    at Element.elesfn$k.updateCompoundBounds (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1047:47584)
    at Object.beforeGet (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1047:40870)
    at Element.<anonymous> (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1047:8991)
    at Element.<anonymous> (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1041:33596)
    at _loop2 (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1047:67984)
    at app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1047:68151
    at forEachEventObj (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1047:65787)
    at Emitter.p.emit.p.trigger (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1047:67148)
    at Core.emit (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1049:9858)
    at app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1047:68248
    at forEachEventObj (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1047:65695)

@rodichenko @mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Pop-up Annotations window is not displayed after creation annotation

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel in main menu
  3. Find and open pathway BRCA1
  4. Click on A(Annotation) button
  5. Fill any field by any values
  6. Click Apply button

Expected result: Pop-up Annotation window with created annotation should be displayed in the right upper corner

Actual result: Pop-up Annotations window is not displayed after creation annotation

@rodichenko @mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: It is not possible reopen Add Annotation pop-up with manual colorization

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel in main menu
  3. Find and open pathway BRCA1
  4. Click on A(Annotation) button
  5. Set checkbox in Manual colors config field
  6. Set any values (e.g. Laclp red blue)
  7. Click Apply button
  8. Click on A(Annotation) button
  9. Click on link with created annotation

Expected result: Add annotation pop-up should be opened with filled Manual colors config field

Actual result: Add Annotation pop-up with manual colorization is not opened

Extra details: An error displays in the console:

app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:60 TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'copy')
    at ngbPathwaysAnnotationAddDlgController (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:1049:399004)
    at Object.invoke (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:60:40742)
    at extend.instance (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:60:105109)
    at Object.link (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:639:27641)
    at app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:639:43464
    at app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:639:44048
    at app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:60:183790
    at app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:60:183933
    at Scope.$eval (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:60:195953)
    at Scope.$digest (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:60:193358)
    at Scope.$apply (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:60:196379)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:60:249603)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.dispatch (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:39:58996)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.elemData.handle (app.bundle.0e08a0baaf769ff20edb.js:39:55827)

@rodichenko @mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Server error is displayed when searching for certain values

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel in main menu
  3. Enter **pw* value in the Search keyword** field
  4. Click Search button

Expected result: All matched results started with "pw" value should be displayed in the table

Actual results: Your operation has been aborted due to NGB has encountered a server problem. text displays instead table with results

image image

Extra details: The same behavior for: Glycolysis_Homo_sapiens, Glycolysis description...

Finds results for following pathways: pwycollage.graph, BRCA1...

@mzueva @okolesn

Fixed and verified

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Switching to the gene track does not match the result

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel in main menu
  3. Find and open Pwycollage human pathway
  4. Apply search with following values: fbp
  5. Click on found node
  6. Go to gene's track on BROWSER panel
  7. Look at found gene

Expected result: The gene should not have been found because there is no match

Actual result: FBP1 gene is displayed in the gene track


@rodichenko @DmitriiKrasnov @mzueva

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: The Apply button is activated after double-clicking the checkbox in annotations

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel
  3. Find and open BRCA1
  4. Click A (annotations) button
  5. Set checkbox in Upload CSV/TSV field
  6. Unset checkbox in Upload CSV/TSV field
  7. Look at Apply button

Expected result: Apply button should be disabled

Actual result: Apply button is active

@rodichenko @mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov

Tatyana2022 commented 2 years ago

Bug was found: Incorrect coloring of nodes if the node consists of more than 1 value

To reproduce:

  1. Go to NGB
  2. Open PATHWAYS panel
  3. Find and open Pwycollage human pathway
  4. Click A (annotations) button
  5. Set checkbox in Manual colors config field
  6. Enter enolase: eno red blue
  7. Click Apply button
  8. Look at enolase: eno node

Expected result: enolase: eno node should have blue background with red text

Actual result: enolase: eno text has red text only without background

@rodichenko @mzueva @DmitriiKrasnov