epam / UUI

React-based components and accelerators library built by EPAM Systems.
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[NumericInput]: The value in the numeric input field is identified by screen readers as an "invalid entry" #2377

Open mari-shakhanava opened 1 week ago

mari-shakhanava commented 1 week ago

Case №1


The value in the numeric input field is identified by screen readers as an "invalid entry"


The Screen Reader is turned ON.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open Numericinput component.
  2. Pass formatOptions prop (e.g. formatOptions={ { maximumFractionDigits: 2 } })
  3. Use the Tab key to navigate to the input and note the announcement.

Actual Result

numeric input-1

The value in numeric input field is identified as "invalid entry"

Expected Result

It should not be identified as "invalid", because the value is valid.