Need example solution for creating CircuitBreaker with Wilma.
Purpose: When we use Wilma in microservice environment, we might want to use it to act as circuit-breaker too. However it is possible, it is not offered by Wilma by default. Offering a default solution of circuit-breaker would be nice.
The Approach and Description below is just an initial idea, might be changed during the actual implementation
Approach: monitor req-res pairs, and if there is a problem, or it is requested, forward requests to its stub for a certain time.
Need interceptor that gets both request and response.
Req interceptor: adds special header with circuit-breaker-ID
Resp interceptor: evaluates if response is ok/not ok, and if not ok, turns on the circuit breaker
Class name: CircuitBreaker
Parameter list in XML:
circuitBreakerID - unique name/id of the circuit breaker, will be added by req interceptor
ServicePattern - pattern of target service url in order to identify the target service this circuitbreaker belongs to
timeout - defines how long the circuit break should be active after turned on, in msec
errorcodes - lit of Exxx codes when response should be considered as bad, and circuit breaker should be turned on - if empty nothing to do (response evaluation will be done externally)
Need API extension with:
CircuitBreakerDescriptor[] getCircuitBreakerDescriptorList() - get all circuit breakers
long (?) getCircuitBreakerStatus(CircuitBreakerDescriptor cb) - gets the remaining time (in msec) meanwhile the cbis turned on, or 0 if cbis off
setCircuitBreakerStatus(CircuitBreakerDescriptor cb, long(?) timeout) - turns on cb, with timeout, or turns cb off if timout is 0 or less - this can be used when cb should be turned on/off from external party
What circuitbreaker ON would mean: enable all dialogdescriptors where the name contains the circuitBreakerID at the end of its name, with timeout.
Need example solution for creating CircuitBreaker with Wilma.
Purpose: When we use Wilma in microservice environment, we might want to use it to act as circuit-breaker too. However it is possible, it is not offered by Wilma by default. Offering a default solution of circuit-breaker would be nice.
The Approach and Description below is just an initial idea, might be changed during the actual implementation
Approach: monitor req-res pairs, and if there is a problem, or it is requested, forward requests to its stub for a certain time.
Description: Need interceptor that gets both request and response. Req interceptor: adds special header with circuit-breaker-ID Resp interceptor: evaluates if response is ok/not ok, and if not ok, turns on the circuit breaker Class name: CircuitBreaker Parameter list in XML:
Need API extension with:
What circuitbreaker ON would mean: enable all dialogdescriptors where the name contains the circuitBreakerID at the end of its name, with timeout.