Implement application that sends some attachment in response to user message (we've tested with plotly and png attachments).
Reproduce the following dialog:
User: some message
Assistant: message with attachment
User: some message.
In dev console it can be seen that attachment is sent in the request, however if we will check on core/application side - no attachment will be present on assistant's message.
Actual result
Dev console:
Debug console on application side:
Expected result
It's expected that assisstant's attachments will be passed to user, since there are business cases when we really need that.
Example: application generates some chart/image that is sent to user, in the next message user asks to explain what is going on on the chart/image and we need to pass it to the image-to-text model (ex. gpt-4-vision).
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How to reproduce
Actual result
Expected result
It's expected that assisstant's attachments will be passed to user, since there are business cases when we really need that.
Example: application generates some chart/image that is sent to user, in the next message user asks to explain what is going on on the chart/image and we need to pass it to the image-to-text model (ex. gpt-4-vision).
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