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Implement new mutect2 variant calling strategy #195

Closed syansanofi closed 3 years ago

syansanofi commented 3 years ago


Update Mutect2 variant calling to include latest gatk ( recommended best practices.


Related to this change, additional germline references are required (many are seen in mutect1 list, however not all are listed)

Important Points

syansanofi commented 3 years ago

Mutect2 template


This line should probably be changed to the following:

gatk --java-options $javaOptions Mutect2 -I $controlBam -I $bam -normal $controlSampleName -R $refGenome -L $bed -pon $panelOfNormal --germline-resource $germlineResource --bam-output $bamout --f1r2-tar-gz ${f1r2.tar.gz} -O $vcf

Refs https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us/articles/360037593851-Mutect2

syansanofi commented 3 years ago


New template for PileupSummaries tool. This tool should produce pileup tables used in CalculateContamination tool.

gatk --java-options $javaOptions GetPileupSummaries -I $bam -L $bed -R $refGenome -V $contaminationVCF --sequence-dictionary $sequenceDictionary --interval-set-rule INTERSECTION -O $tumorPileupTable

syansanofi commented 3 years ago


New template for CalculateContamination tool. This tool is a spiritual replacement for ContEst in older gatk versions.

gatk --java-options $javaOptions CalculateContamination -I $tumorPileupTable -L $bed --tumor-segmentation $segmentsTable -O $contaminationTable

syansanofi commented 3 years ago

SortSam for bamout

SortSam applied to bamout of mutect2 for later stages.

gatk --java-options $javaOptions SortSam -I $bamout -O $bamoutSorted -SO coordinate

syansanofi commented 3 years ago


New template for LearnReadOrientationModel.

gatk --java-options $javaOptions LearnReadOrientationModel -I ${f1r2.tar.gz} -O ${artifactsPriors.tar.gz}

syansanofi commented 3 years ago


New template for FilterMutectCalls.

gatk --java-options $javaOptions FilterMutectCalls -R $refGenome -V $vcf -O $filteredVCF --contamination-table $contaminationTable --tumor-segmentation $segmentsTable --ob-priors ${artifactsPriors.tar.gz} -stats $vcfStats --filtering-stats $filteringStats

syansanofi commented 3 years ago


New template for FilterAlignmentArtifacts. Further filtering after FilterMutectCalls.

gatk --java-options $javaOptions FilterAlignmentArtifacts -I $bamoutSorted -V $filteredVCF -O $filteredVCFartifacts -R $refGenome --bwa-mem-index-image $bwaImage`