epam / ketcher

Web-based molecule sketcher
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Create custom top toolbar buttons #1838

Open mwojcikowski opened 1 year ago

mwojcikowski commented 1 year ago

I'd like to be able to add custom top toolbar icon, which could be linked with certain functionality, preferably custom script. Currently it looks like I'm only able to toggle on/off the preselected tools. It would be great if you could add more to the right or any other order specified in drawer config. image

The click action should be able to grab the current selection so that the operations are performed only on certain bonds/atoms. In particular I'm interested in setting Molfile reacting center status on bonds using single button click for all selected bonds. Now it requires at least 3 additional clicks, after the user has selected bonds.

Nitvex commented 1 year ago

Hi, @mwojcikowski! Thank you for your suggestion. We appreciate that. We have such a feature in our roadmap, but according to our timeline it is highly unlikely that we will develop it till the end of December.

mwojcikowski commented 1 year ago

Hi @Nitvex! Could you elaborate more on the timeline? Not getting it in 2022 should be fine, I think. Could you elaborate more on the timeline? Would you say it's probable to get it done in Q1 2023?

Nitvex commented 1 year ago

Sorry, but, unfortunately, we can not provide you a concrete deadline. Let's stay in touch.

vanoprenko commented 1 year ago

Hi @mwojcikowski, thank you for reaching out. We are thinking about possible solutions and are currently leaning towards the following one:

Does this sound like something you're looking for? Which exact functions you will need in API?