epam / ketcher

Web-based molecule sketcher
Apache License 2.0
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User can create incorrect S-Group but can't save and warning message doesn't appears. #245

Open Ksanjara opened 3 years ago

Ksanjara commented 3 years ago

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create the chain structure.
  2. Sprout 3 chains from middle of structure.
  3. Create Multiple S-Group with ends of chain sprouts.
  4. Click "Save" button.

Expected Result: Before the saving of the incorrect S-Group the warning should appear and then User can save structure with incorrect S-Group.

Actual Result: Type of S-Group Warning Saving
Generic Absent can be saved
Multiple Appears can't be saved
SRU-polymer Appears can't be saved
Superatom Absent can be saved

Ksanjara commented 3 years ago

Actual Result reproduces, issue is reopened. Scenario 1. Now when User try to save incorrect Generic/Superatom Group following warning message appears: Generic Then User can save structure with incorrect group. Expected Result: Issue is not related with stereochemistry. Error message should contain message about incorrect S-Group or cross-bonds.

Scenario 2. When User try to save incorrect Multiple/SRU-polymer Group following message appears: SRU,Multi Then when User clics 'OK' button - he can't save this file. Expected Result: User can save file with incorrect S-Group.