epam / ketcher

Web-based molecule sketcher
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Search monomer in library by IDT #4853

Open olganaz opened 1 month ago

olganaz commented 1 month ago

Background Since the IDT alias is displayed only by hover, it is almost impossible to find the desired monomer in the library.


  1. User should be able to search by IDT aliases in a library using search bar. 1.1. Text in the search bar should be changed to "Search by name or IDT alias..."
  2. User should be able to search by a part of IDT aliases.
  3. Entering / symbol in the beginning of the query means that search is performed by IDT aliases.
    • Single symbol / in a query should result in displaying all the monomers that have IDT alias.
    • if / is the first or the last symbol in a query, it should be ignored. It should be considered that the first symbol after the / is the first symbol of the IDT alias; the last symbol before the / is the last symbol in IDT alias.

Examples / -> displays all of the monomers that have IDT alias /5 -> displays all the monomers with IDT alias starting from 5. For monomer with IDT alias /5deoxyU/ a query "/deoxyU" should give null results.