epam / ketcher

Web-based molecule sketcher
Apache License 2.0
505 stars 174 forks source link

Copy/Cut/Paste operations works inconsistently with S-Groups (abbreviations) - paste from clipboard in collapsed state #5831

Open AlexeyGirin opened 1 month ago

AlexeyGirin commented 1 month ago

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to Molecules
  2. Load from file any monomer using Open as New Project: 1. Petide D (from library).zip image
  3. Right click on appeared monomer and click on Expand monomer at context menu image
  4. Select expanded monomer and copy (or cut) it to clipboard image
  5. Paste it from clipboard to the canvas

Actual behavior System paste monomer in collapsed state image

Expected behavior System paste monomer in expanded state image


Issue found while testing: https://github.com/epam/ketcher/issues/5400