epam / ketcher

Web-based molecule sketcher
Apache License 2.0
505 stars 174 forks source link

After starting ketcher with value in smiles then broken zoom and centering #5882

Open hellhorse123 opened 1 month ago

hellhorse123 commented 1 month ago


 useEffect(() => {
    if (ketcherInstance && isKetcherInitialized && defaultSmilesValue) {
      try {
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Failed to set SMILES:", error);
        setErrorMessage("Error setting molecule in Ketcher.");
  }, [defaultSmilesValue, isKetcherInitialized, ketcherInstance]);
            sgroup: { hidden: true },
            images: { hidden: true },
            text: { hidden: true },
          staticResourcesUrl={process.env.PUBLIC_URL ?? "./"}
          structServiceProvider={structServiceProvider as any}
          errorHandler={(message: string | Error) => {
            console.error("Error in Ketcher:", message);
              typeof message === "string" ? message : message.toString()
          onInit={(ketcher: Ketcher) => {
            // Assign Ketcher instance to window for KetcherLogger to use
            window.ketcher = ketcher;
            if (!ketcherInstance) {
              // Проверяем, был ли уже инициализирован Ketcher
              setKetcherInstance(ketcher); // Set Ketcher instance in state
              setIsKetcherInitialized(true); // Mark Ketcher as initialized
              try {
                ketcher.setMolecule(defaultSmilesValue); // Set the default SMILES after initialization
              } catch (error) {
                console.error("Error initializing Ketcher with SMILES:", error);
                setErrorMessage("Error initializing molecule in Ketcher.");
Zhirnoff commented 1 month ago

@hellhorse123 Hi! Thank you for highlighting this issue. Please provide detailed steps for reproduce. Where you insert SMILES? Is this version of Ketcher embedded in a website?

hellhorse123 commented 3 weeks ago

@hellhorse123 Hi! Thank you for highlighting this issue. Please provide detailed steps for reproduce. Where you insert SMILES? Is this version of Ketcher embedded in a website?

No, this is antd Input with trackable state