epfl-ecps / channelflow

Channelflow is a software system for numerical analysis of the incompressible fluid flow in channel geometries, written in C++ and MPI-parallelized.
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bug in hdf5write #3

Open jeremypparker opened 5 years ago

jeremypparker commented 5 years ago

There is an error in hdf5write(const FlowField&... in flowfield.cpp. Either the dimensions dimsf should be ordered z,y,x,d or the saved data should be ordered z,y,x,d. One of these is incorrect currently.

I would've done a pull request with a fix but it's not clear to me which way round is correct.

jeremypparker commented 5 years ago

The same bug exists in hdf5read so they cancel each other out: this is only an issue when loading the hdf5 file externally.

reetzelhaft commented 5 years ago

Dear @Jezz0r, first of all, sorry for taking so long to respond. Will not happen again :sweat_smile:

From what you write and what I see in the code, Channelflow is treating HDF5 consistently but probably in an unconventional manner. Can you tell me with what external software you have loaded the file? So I can reproduce the bug and choose the correct order.

My suggestion would be to keep the vector like it is and change the data definition in the file to

const hsize_t dimsf[4] = {(hsize_t)Nz, (hsize_t)Ny, (hsize_t)Nx, (hsize_t)Nd}; // dataset dimensions

Is this the convectional way? I must admit, I never loaded Channelflow's HDF5 externally.

johnfgibson commented 5 years ago

Likewise on apologies for the late reply. The HDF5 IO is confusing, to be sure. It was contributed code in channelflow-1.x, meaning I didn't fully understand it even then. However I do successfully load the HDF5 files in Matlab by reading Nx,Ny,Nz,Nd parameters from the HDF5 file and reshaping the linear data array, as follows. I believe @reetzelhaft's suggestion would fix the issue, and remove the need for reshape on chflow HDF5 files created with that fix in place. I'll still keep the reshape in my matlab code for compatibility with old HDF5 files written with the error.

function [z,x,y,u] = loadhdf5(filename);
% [z,x,y,u] = load3hdf5(filename);
% returns vectors in order z,x,y and u indexed as u[x,z,y,i] because
% that works with matlab slice(z,x,y,u,[0,Lz],[0,Lx],[-1 0]

data = hdf5read(filename, '/data/u');

Lx = hdf5read(filename,'/','Lx');
Lz = hdf5read(filename,'/','Lz');
ya = hdf5read(filename,'/','a');
yb = hdf5read(filename,'/','b');

% If we don't cast ints to doubles, matlab messes up later calculations
% like x = (0:Nx)*Lx/Nx;, apparently do mults as floats but then casts
% back to ints when storing in x. WTF??
Nx = double(hdf5read(filename,'/','Nx'));
Ny = double(hdf5read(filename,'/','Ny'));
Nz = double(hdf5read(filename,'/','Nz'));
Nd = double(hdf5read(filename,'/','Nd'));

% Don't get Nx,Ny,Nz this way. A bug in chflow hdf5save saved the dims in the 
% wrong order. Fixed the bug 2011-12-23, fields saved after that should be ok.
% [Nz,Ny,Nx,Nd] = size(data);

% Prior to 2011-12-23, data was mistakenly saved with dims = [Nz,Ny,Nx,Nd].
% Reshape to correct form dims = [Nz,Ny,Nx,Nd]. Will be no-op for correct shape.

data = reshape(data, Nz, Ny, Nx, Nd);
data = permute(data, [3 2 1 4]);

% For plotting, want to extend data all the way to end of periodic domain,
% by repeating the first (zeroth) element as the last, for both x and z. 
% So extend x from length Nx to length Nx+1, same for z, and allocate u.

x = (0:Nx)*Lx/Nx;
z = (0:Nz)*Lz/Nz;
y = (ya+yb)/2 + (yb-ya)/2 * cos((0:Ny-1)*pi/(Ny-1));

% There are two crazy ordering issues that require permutation, and the
% combination is totally confusing. First Matlab's 3d plotting functions
% like slice(x,y,z, u) require u to have indices in order u(1:Ny, 1:Nx, 1:Nz)
% So we need to permute indices of v from [x,y,z,i] to [y,x,z,i].

% However, these functions plot x,y on horizontal and z on vertical. 
% and we want z,x on horizontal and y on vertical. So that calls for 
% and additional permutation (x,y,z) -> (z,x,y) or, on indices of v 
% from [y,x,z,i] to [x,z,y,i]. So the total perumation of indices on
% u is [x,y,z,i] to [x,z,y,i]. 

% Allocate u for shape [x,z,y,i] with 1 point expansion in x and z
u = zeros(Nx+1, Ny, Nz+1, Nd);

% Permute data from order [x,y,z,i] to [x,z,y,i] and fill
u(1:Nx,:,1:Nz,:) = data;

% Repeat (0,z,y) (nx=1) plane as (Lx,z,y) (nx=Nx+1) plane 
u(Nx+1,:,:,:) = u(1,:,:,:);

% Repeat (x,0,y) (nz=1) plane as (x,Lz,y) (nz=Nz+1) plane
u(:,:,Nz+1,:) = u(:,:,1,:);

% Permute from [x,y,z,i] to  [x,z,y,i]
u = permute(u, [1 3 2 4]);

% Matlab wants u indices ordered as [y,x,z,i] for plotting
% Permute accordingly, from [x,y,z,i] to [y,x,z,i]

%u = permute(u, [2 1 3 4]);

% And then. matlab likes to plot x,y horizontal and z vertical, 
% contrary to fluid channel notation where x,z, is horizontal
% and y vertical. So permute (x,y,z,i) -> (z,x,y,i), or
% [y,x,z,i] -> [x,z,y,i]

%u = permute(u, [2, 3, 1, 4]);
jeremypparker commented 5 years ago

I am loading in Matlab, and had come to a similar (though less comprehensive) workaround to John. Because of this, it's not a big issue, but I maintain it is a bug.

Of course, fixing this would be a breaking change for any users with stored hdf5 data.

reetzelhaft commented 5 years ago

OK, I am a little confused because I could not reproduce the bug:

  1. Using the current master branch version, I converted EQ1 to HDF5 with tools/fieldconvert
  2. In Matlab, I run data = hdf5read('eq1.h5', '/data/u');
  3. Then size(data)=[Nz,Ny,Nx,Nd]. Do you have the same?
  4. To plot midplane velocity, I run contourf(squeeze(data(:,17,:,1))) and the result looks perfectly fine. In contrast, if I apply the reordering of dimensions as I suggested, it looks exploded.

Do I do something wrong here or did I not get the point?

johnfgibson commented 5 years ago

@reetzelhaft: I think you have a typo in 3. One of the Nz's ought to be Nx. Can you edit?