Closed jad-hamza closed 3 years ago
I mentioned this at some point (maybe to @gsps ?): we should be able to move the mergeCalls
logic into the template generator which would make it much cleaner.
The idea is to change the IfExpr
case in TemplateGenerator.mkExprClauses
. We would change the following lines to call mkExprClauses
recursively and then unify function calls which occur in both branches:
would become
val (trec, tClauses) = mkExprClauses(newBool1, thenn, localSubst, pol)
val (erec, eClauses) = mkExprClauses(newBool2, elze, localSubst, pol)
builder ++= mergeCalls(pathVar, localSubst, tClauses, eClauses)
The new mergeCalls
logic (inside TemplateGenerator.scala
) would look something like this:
def mergeCalls(pathVar: Variable, condVar: Variable, substMap: Map[Variable, Encoded],
thenClauses: TemplateClauses, elseClauses: TemplateClauses): TemplateClauses = {
val builder = new Builder(pathVar, substMap)
builder ++= thenClauses
builder ++ elseClauses
// Clear all guardedExprs in builder since we're going to transform them by merging calls.
// The transformed guardedExprs will be added to builder at the end of the function.
builder.guardedExprs = Map.empty
def collectCalls(expr: Expr): Set[FunctionInvocation] =
exprOps.collect { case fi: FunctionInvocation => Set(fi) case _ => Set.empty[FunctionInvocation] }(expr)
def countCalls(expr: Expr): Int =
exprOps.count { case fi: FunctionInvocation => 1 case _ => 0}(expr)
def replaceCall(call: FunctionInvocation, newExpr: Expr)(e: Expr): Expr =
exprOps.replace(Map(call, newExpr), e)
def getCalls(guardedExprs: Map[Variable, Seq[Expr]]): Map[TypedFunDef, Seq[(FunctionInvocation, Set[Variable])]] =
(for {(b, es) <- guardedExprs; e <- es; fi <- collectCalls(e)) yield (b -> fi))
.mapValues(_.toList.distinct.sortBy(p => countCalls(p._1))) // place inner calls first
var thenGuarded = thenClauses._4
var elseGuarded = elseClauses._4
val thenCalls = getCalls(thenGuarded)
val elseCalls = getCalls(elseGuarded)
// We sort common function calls in order to merge nested calls first.
var toMerge = (thenCalls.keys() & elseCalls.keys())
.flatMap(tfd => thenCalls(tfd) zip elseCalls(tfd))
.sortBy(p => countCalls(p._1._1) + countCalls(p._2._1))
while (toMerge.nonEmpty) {
val ((thenCall, thenBlockers), (elseCall, elseBlockers)) = toMerge.head
toMerge = toMerge.tail
val newExpr: Variable = Variable.fresh("call", thenCall.tfd.getType, true)
val replaceThen = replaceCall(thenCall, newExpr) _
val replaceElse = replaceCall(elseCall, newExpr) _
thenGuarded = thenGuarded.mapValues(
elseGuarded = elseGuarded.mapValues(
toMerge = => (replaceThen(p._1), replaceElse(p._2))
val newBlocker: Variable = Variable.fresh("bm", BooleanType(), true)
// TODO: make this a method in Builder similar to storeCond
builder.storeConds(thenBlockers ++ elseBlockers, newBlocker)
builder.iff(orJoin((thenBlockers ++ elseBlockers).toSeq), newBlocker)
val newArgs = (thenCall.args zip elseCall.args).map { case (thenArg, elseArg) =>
val (newArg, argClauses) = mkExprClauses(newBlocker, IfExpr(condVar, thenArg, elseArg), builder.localSubst)
builder ++= argClauses
val newCall = thenCall.tfd.applied(newArgs)
builder.storeGuarded(newBlocker, Equals(newExpr, newCall))
for ((b, es) <- thenGuarded; e <- es) builder.storeGuarded(b, e)
for ((b, es) <- elseGuarded; e <- es) builder.storeGuarded(b, e)
Should liftCalls
No, I think it shouldn't be necessary.
cc: @samuelchassot
We found an example where the code simplification becomes very slow, probably due to a code explosion in
:Can be reproduced with the Stainless code below and the command:
Stainless code
```scala import stainless.annotation._ import stainless.collection._ import stainless.equations._ import stainless.lang._ import stainless.proof.check import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.collection.immutable object MutableLongMap { private final val IndexMask: Int = 0x07ffffff // = Integer.MAX_VALUE/8 private final val MissingBit = 0x80000000 private final val VacantBit = 0x40000000 private final val MissVacant = 0xc0000000 private final val EntryNotFound = 0x20000000 private final val MAX_ITER = 2048 // arbitrary @mutable case class LongMapLongV( var mask: Int = IndexMask, var extraKeys: Int = 0, var zeroValue: Long = 0, var minValue: Long = 0, var _size: Int = 0, var _keys: Array[Long] = Array.fill(IndexMask + 1)(0), var _values: Array[Long] = Array.fill(IndexMask + 1)(0), val defaultEntry: Long => Long = (x => 0), var repackingKeyCount: Int = 0 ) { @inline def valid: Boolean = { mask == IndexMask && _values.length == mask + 1 && _keys.length == _values.length && mask >= 0 && _size >= 0 && _size < mask + 1 && size >= _size && extraKeys >= 0 && extraKeys <= 3 && arrayCountValidKeysTailRec(_keys, 0, _keys.length) == _size } @inline def inRange(i: Int): Boolean = { i >= 0 && i < mask + 1 } @inline def validKeyIndex(k: Long, i: Int): Boolean = { require(valid) if (inRange(i)) _keys(i) == k else false } @inline def validZeroKeyIndex(i: Int): Boolean = { require(valid && inRange(i)) inRange(i) && _keys(i) == 0 } def size: Int = { _size + (extraKeys + 1) / 2 } def isEmpty: Boolean = { require(valid) _size == 0 }.ensuring(_ => valid) private def toIndex(k: Long): Int = { require(valid) val h = ((k ^ (k >>> 32)) & 0xffffffffL).toInt val x = (h ^ (h >>> 16)) * 0x85ebca6b (x ^ (x >>> 13)) & mask }.ensuring(res => valid && res < _keys.length) @inline def getCurrentListMap(from: Int): ListMapLongKey[Long] = { require(valid && from >= 0 && from <= _keys.length) val res = if ((extraKeys & 1) != 0 && (extraKeys & 2) != 0) { (getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(from) + (0L, zeroValue)) + (Long.MinValue, minValue) } else if ((extraKeys & 1) != 0 && (extraKeys & 2) == 0) { getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(from) + (0L, zeroValue) } else if ((extraKeys & 2) != 0 && (extraKeys & 1) == 0) { getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(from) + (Long.MinValue, minValue) } else { getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(from) } if (from < _keys.length && validKeyInArray(_keys(from))) { ListMapLongKeyLemmas.addStillContains(getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(from), 0, zeroValue, _keys(from)) ListMapLongKeyLemmas.addStillContains(getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(from), Long.MinValue, minValue, _keys(from)) ListMapLongKeyLemmas.addApplyDifferent(getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(from), 0, zeroValue, _keys(from)) ListMapLongKeyLemmas.addApplyDifferent(getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(from), Long.MinValue, minValue, _keys(from)) } res }.ensuring(res => valid && (if (from < _keys.length && validKeyInArray(_keys(from))) res.contains(_keys(from)) && res(_keys(from)) == _values(from) else true) && (if ((extraKeys & 1) != 0) res.contains(0) && res(0) == zeroValue else !res.contains(0)) && (if ((extraKeys & 2) != 0) res.contains(Long.MinValue) && res(Long.MinValue) == minValue else !res.contains(Long.MinValue)) ) def getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(from: Int): ListMapLongKey[Long] = { require(valid && from >= 0 && from <= _keys.length) decreases(_keys.length + 1 -from) if (from >= _keys.length) { ListMapLongKey.empty[Long] } else if (validKeyInArray(_keys(from))) { ListMapLongKeyLemmas.addStillNotContains(getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(from + 1), _keys(from), _values(from), 0) getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(from + 1) + (_keys(from), _values(from)) } else { getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(from + 1) } }.ensuring(res => valid && !res.contains(0) && !res.contains(Long.MinValue) && (if (from < _keys.length && validKeyInArray(_keys(from))) res.contains(_keys(from)) && res(_keys(from)) == _values(from) else if (from < _keys.length) res == getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(from + 1) else res.isEmpty) ) @pure def problem(): Unit = { require(valid) val from = 0 val res = getCurrentListMap(from) }.ensuring(_ => valid && (if ((extraKeys & 1) != 0) getCurrentListMap(0).contains(0) else !getCurrentListMap(0).contains(0))) } @extern def assume(b: Boolean): Unit = {}.ensuring(_ => b) @inline def validKeyInArray(l: Long): Boolean = { l != 0 && l != Long.MinValue } @tailrec @pure def arrayCountValidKeysTailRec( a: Array[Long], from: Int, to: Int ): Int = { require( from <= to && from >= 0 && to <= a.length && a.length < Integer.MAX_VALUE ) decreases(a.length-from) if (from >= to) { 0 } else { if (validKeyInArray(a(from))) { 1 + arrayCountValidKeysTailRec(a, from + 1, to) } else { arrayCountValidKeysTailRec(a, from + 1, to) } } }.ensuring(res => res >= 0 && res <= a.length - from) } case class ListMapLongKey[B](toList: List[(Long, B)]) { require(TupleListOps.isStrictlySorted(toList)) @inline def isEmpty: Boolean = toList.isEmpty @inline def head: (Long, B) = { require(!isEmpty) toList.head } @inline def tail: ListMapLongKey[B] = { require(!isEmpty) ListMapLongKey(toList.tail) } @inlineOnce @extern def contains(key: Long): Boolean = { TupleListOps.containsKey(toList, key) }.ensuring(res => !res || this.get(key).isDefined) @inline def get(key: Long): Option[B] = { TupleListOps.getValueByKey(toList, key) } @inline def keysOf(value: B): List[Long] = { TupleListOps.getKeysOf(toList, value) } @inline def apply(key: Long): B = { require(contains(key)) get(key).get } @inline def +(keyValue: (Long, B)): ListMapLongKey[B] = { val newList = TupleListOps.insertStrictlySorted(toList, keyValue._1, keyValue._2) ListMapLongKey(newList) }.ensuring(res => res.contains(keyValue._1) && res.get(keyValue._1) == Some(keyValue._2)) // @inlineOnce def ++(keyValues: List[(Long, B)]): ListMapLongKey[B] = { decreases(keyValues) keyValues match { case Nil() => this case Cons(keyValue, rest) => (this + keyValue) ++ rest } } // @inlineOnce def -(key: Long): ListMapLongKey[B] = { ListMapLongKey(TupleListOps.removeStrictlySorted(toList, key)) }.ensuring(res => !res.contains(key)) // @inlineOnce def --(keys: List[Long]): ListMapLongKey[B] = { decreases(keys) keys match { case Nil() => this case Cons(key, rest) => (this - key) -- rest } } @inline def forall(p: ((Long, B)) => Boolean): Boolean = { toList.forall(p) } } object TupleListOps { @inline def invariantList[B](l: List[(Long, B)]): Boolean = { isStrictlySorted(l) } @extern def getKeysOf[B](l: List[(Long, B)], value: B): List[Long] = { require(invariantList(l)) decreases(l) l match { case head :: tl if (head._2 == value) => { head._1 :: getKeysOf(tl, value) } case head :: tl if (head._2 != value) => { val r = getKeysOf(tl, value) getKeysOf(tl, value) } case Nil() => Nil[Long]() } }.ensuring(res => res.forall(getValueByKey(l, _) == Some(value))) def getValueByKey[B](l: List[(Long, B)], key: Long): Option[B] = { require(invariantList(l)) decreases(l) l match { case head :: tl if (head._1 == key) => Some(head._2) case head :: tl if (head._1 != key) => getValueByKey(tl, key) case Nil() => None[B] } } def insertStrictlySorted[B](l: List[(Long, B)], newKey: Long, newValue: B): List[(Long, B)] = { require(invariantList(l)) decreases(l) l match { case head :: tl if (head._1 < newKey) => head :: insertStrictlySorted(tl, newKey, newValue) case head :: tl if (head._1 == newKey) => (newKey, newValue) :: tl case head :: tl if (head._1 > newKey) => (newKey, newValue) :: head :: tl case Nil() => (newKey, newValue) :: Nil() } }.ensuring(res => invariantList(res) && containsKey(res, newKey) && res.contains((newKey, newValue))) def removeStrictlySorted[B](l: List[(Long, B)], key: Long): List[(Long, B)] = { require(invariantList(l)) decreases(l) l match { case head :: tl if (head._1 == key) => tl case head :: tl if (head._1 != key) => head :: removeStrictlySorted(tl, key) case Nil() => Nil[(Long, B)]() } }.ensuring(res => invariantList(res) && !containsKey(res, key)) def isStrictlySorted[B](l: List[(Long, B)]): Boolean = { decreases(l) l match { case Nil() => true case Cons(_, Nil()) => true case Cons(h1, Cons(h2, _)) if (h1._1 >= h2._1) => false case Cons(_, t) => isStrictlySorted(t) } } def containsKey[B](l: List[(Long, B)], key: Long): Boolean = { require(invariantList(l)) decreases(l) l match { case head :: tl if(head._1 == key) => true case head :: tl if(head._1 > key) => false case head :: tl if(head._1 < key) => containsKey(tl, key) case Nil() => false } } } object ListMapLongKey { def empty[B]: ListMapLongKey[B] = ListMapLongKey[B](List.empty[(Long, B)]) } object ListMapLongKeyLemmas { import ListSpecs._ @opaque def addValidProp[B](lm: ListMapLongKey[B], p: ((Long, B)) => Boolean, a: Long, b: B): Unit = { require(lm.forall(p) && p(a, b)) decreases(lm.toList.size) if (!lm.isEmpty) addValidProp(lm.tail, p, a, b) }.ensuring { _ => val nlm = lm + (a, b) nlm.forall(p) } @opaque def removeValidProp[B](lm: ListMapLongKey[B], p: ((Long, B)) => Boolean, a: Long): Unit = { require(lm.forall(p)) decreases(lm.toList.size) if (!lm.isEmpty) removeValidProp(lm.tail, p, a) }.ensuring { _ => val nlm = lm - a nlm.forall(p) } @opaque def insertAllValidProp[B](lm: ListMapLongKey[B], kvs: List[(Long, B)], p: ((Long, B)) => Boolean): Unit = { require(lm.forall(p) && kvs.forall(p)) decreases(kvs) if (!kvs.isEmpty) { addValidProp(lm, p, kvs.head._1, kvs.head._2) insertAllValidProp(lm + kvs.head, kvs.tail, p) } }.ensuring { _ => val nlm = lm ++ kvs nlm.forall(p) } @opaque def removeAllValidProp[B](lm: ListMapLongKey[B], l: List[Long], p: ((Long, B)) => Boolean): Unit = { require(lm.forall(p)) decreases(l) if (!l.isEmpty) { removeValidProp(lm, p, l.head) removeAllValidProp(lm - l.head, l.tail, p) } }.ensuring { _ => val nlm = lm -- l nlm.forall(p) } @opaque @extern def addApplyDifferent[B](lm: ListMapLongKey[B], a: Long, b: B, a0: Long): Unit = { require(lm.contains(a0) && a0 != a) }.ensuring(_ => (lm + (a -> b))(a0) == lm(a0)) @opaque @extern def addStillContains[B](lm: ListMapLongKey[B], a: Long, b: B, a0: Long): Unit = { require(lm.contains(a0)) }.ensuring(_ => (lm + (a, b)).contains(a0)) @opaque @extern def addStillNotContains[B](lm: ListMapLongKey[B], a: Long, b: B, a0: Long): Unit = { require(!lm.contains(a0) && a != a0) }.ensuring(_ => !(lm + (a, b)).contains(a0)) @opaque def applyForall[B](lm: ListMapLongKey[B], p: ((Long, B)) => Boolean, k: Long): Unit = { require(lm.forall(p) && lm.contains(k)) decreases(lm.toList.size) if (!lm.isEmpty && lm.toList.head._1 != k) applyForall(lm.tail, p, k) }.ensuring(_ => p(k, lm(k))) @opaque def getForall[B](lm: ListMapLongKey[B], p: ((Long, B)) => Boolean, k: Long): Unit = { require(lm.forall(p)) decreases(lm.toList.size) if (!lm.isEmpty && lm.toList.head._1 != k) getForall(lm.tail, p, k) }.ensuring(_ => lm.get(k).forall(v => p(k, v))) @opaque def uniqueImage[B](lm: ListMapLongKey[B], a: Long, b: B): Unit = { require(lm.toList.contains((a, b))) }.ensuring(_ => lm.get(a) == Some[B](b)) @opaque def keysOfSound[B](lm: ListMapLongKey[B], value: B): Unit = { }.ensuring(_ => lm.keysOf(value).forall(key => lm.get(key) == Some[B](value))) } ```Expression before mergeFunctions
```scala ¬(thiss.mask ≠ IndexMask || thiss._values.size ≠ thiss.mask + 1 || thiss._keys.size ≠ thiss._values.size || thiss.mask < 0 || thiss._size < 0 || thiss._size >= thiss.mask + 1 || size(thiss) < thiss._size || thiss.extraKeys < 0 || thiss.extraKeys > 3 || arrayCountValidKeysTailRec(thiss._keys, 0, thiss._keys.size) ≠ thiss._size || from ≠ 0 || res ≠ { val cond: Boolean = (thiss.mask == IndexMask && thiss._values.size == thiss.mask + 1 && thiss._keys.size == thiss._values.size && thiss.mask >= 0 && thiss._size >= 0 && thiss._size < thiss.mask + 1 && size(thiss) >= thiss._size && thiss.extraKeys >= 0 && thiss.extraKeys <= 3 && arrayCountValidKeysTailRec(thiss._keys, 0, thiss._keys.size) == thiss._size && from >= 0) && from <= thiss._keys.size val res: ListMapLongKey[Long] = { val t: ListMapLongKey[Long] = if ((thiss.extraKeys & 1) ≠ 0 && (thiss.extraKeys & 2) ≠ 0) { val inlined: ListMapLongKey[Long] = { val newList: List[(Long, Long)] = insertStrictlySorted[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from).toList, 0, thiss.zeroValue) assume({ val res: Boolean = choose((empty$140: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](newList, 0))) res } && getValueByKey[Long](newList, 0) == Some[Long](thiss.zeroValue)) ListMapLongKey[Long](newList) } val res: ListMapLongKey[Long] = ListMapLongKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](inlined.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue)) assume({ val res: Boolean = choose((empty$141: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](inlined.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue), -9223372036854775808))) res } && getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](inlined.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue), -9223372036854775808) == Some[Long](thiss.minValue)) res } else if ((thiss.extraKeys & 1) ≠ 0 && (thiss.extraKeys & 2) == 0) { val thiss: ListMapLongKey[Long] = getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from) val res: ListMapLongKey[Long] = ListMapLongKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, 0, thiss.zeroValue)) assume({ val res: Boolean = choose((empty$142: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, 0, thiss.zeroValue), 0))) res } && getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, 0, thiss.zeroValue), 0) == Some[Long](thiss.zeroValue)) res } else if ((thiss.extraKeys & 2) ≠ 0 && (thiss.extraKeys & 1) == 0) { val thiss: ListMapLongKey[Long] = getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from) val res: ListMapLongKey[Long] = ListMapLongKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue)) assume({ val res: Boolean = choose((empty$143: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue), -9223372036854775808))) res } && getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue), -9223372036854775808) == Some[Long](thiss.minValue)) res } else { getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from) } val t: Unit = if (from < thiss._keys.size && { val l: Long = thiss._keys.arr(from) l ≠ 0.toLong && l ≠ -9223372036854775808 }) { val tmp: Unit = addStillContains[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from), 0, thiss.zeroValue, thiss._keys.arr(from)) val tmp: Unit = addStillContains[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from), -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue, thiss._keys.arr(from)) val tmp: Unit = addApplyDifferent[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from), 0, thiss.zeroValue, thiss._keys.arr(from)) addApplyDifferent[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from), -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue, thiss._keys.arr(from)) } else { () } t } assume(((thiss.mask == IndexMask && thiss._values.size == thiss.mask + 1 && thiss._keys.size == thiss._values.size && thiss.mask >= 0 && thiss._size >= 0 && thiss._size < thiss.mask + 1 && size(thiss) >= thiss._size && thiss.extraKeys >= 0 && thiss.extraKeys <= 3 && arrayCountValidKeysTailRec(thiss._keys, 0, thiss._keys.size) == thiss._size && (¬(from < thiss._keys.size && { val l: Long = thiss._keys.arr(from) l ≠ 0.toLong && l ≠ -9223372036854775808 }) || { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$144: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, thiss._keys.arr(from)))) res } && { val key: Long = thiss._keys.arr(from) val cond: Boolean = { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$145: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key))) res } get[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key)) } == thiss._values.arr(from))) && (if ((thiss.extraKeys & 1) ≠ 0) { { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$146: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, 0))) res } && { val key: Long = 0 val cond: Boolean = { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$147: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key))) res } get[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key)) } == thiss.zeroValue } else { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$148: Boolean) => true) ¬{ assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, 0))) res } })) && (if ((thiss.extraKeys & 2) ≠ 0) { { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$149: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, -9223372036854775808))) res } && { val key: Long = -9223372036854775808 val cond: Boolean = { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$150: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key))) res } get[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key)) } == thiss.minValue } else { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$151: Boolean) => true) ¬{ assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, -9223372036854775808))) res } })) res } || x$2 ≠ () || thiss.mask == IndexMask && thiss._values.size == thiss.mask + 1 && thiss._keys.size == thiss._values.size && thiss.mask >= 0 && thiss._size >= 0 && thiss._size < thiss.mask + 1 && size(thiss) >= thiss._size && thiss.extraKeys >= 0 && thiss.extraKeys <= 3 && arrayCountValidKeysTailRec(thiss._keys, 0, thiss._keys.size) == thiss._size && (if ((thiss.extraKeys & 1) ≠ 0) { val from: Int = 0 val inlined: ListMapLongKey[Long] = { val t: Boolean = thiss.mask == IndexMask && thiss._values.size == thiss.mask + 1 && thiss._keys.size == thiss._values.size && thiss.mask >= 0 && thiss._size >= 0 && thiss._size < thiss.mask + 1 && size(thiss) >= thiss._size && thiss.extraKeys >= 0 && thiss.extraKeys <= 3 && arrayCountValidKeysTailRec(thiss._keys, 0, thiss._keys.size) == thiss._size && from >= 0 val res: ListMapLongKey[Long] = { val t: ListMapLongKey[Long] = if ((thiss.extraKeys & 2) ≠ 0) { val inlined: ListMapLongKey[Long] = { val newList: List[(Long, Long)] = insertStrictlySorted[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from).toList, 0, thiss.zeroValue) assume({ val res: Boolean = choose((empty$152: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](newList, 0))) res } && getValueByKey[Long](newList, 0) == Some[Long](thiss.zeroValue)) ListMapLongKey[Long](newList) } val res: ListMapLongKey[Long] = ListMapLongKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](inlined.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue)) assume({ val res: Boolean = choose((empty$153: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](inlined.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue), -9223372036854775808))) res } && getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](inlined.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue), -9223372036854775808) == Some[Long](thiss.minValue)) res } else if ((thiss.extraKeys & 2) == 0) { val thiss: ListMapLongKey[Long] = getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from) val res: ListMapLongKey[Long] = ListMapLongKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, 0, thiss.zeroValue)) assume({ val res: Boolean = choose((empty$154: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, 0, thiss.zeroValue), 0))) res } && getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, 0, thiss.zeroValue), 0) == Some[Long](thiss.zeroValue)) res } else if (false) { val thiss: ListMapLongKey[Long] = getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from) val res: ListMapLongKey[Long] = ListMapLongKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue)) assume({ val res: Boolean = choose((empty$155: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue), -9223372036854775808))) res } && getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue), -9223372036854775808) == Some[Long](thiss.minValue)) res } else { getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from) } val t: Unit = if (from < thiss._keys.size && { val l: Long = thiss._keys.arr(from) l ≠ 0.toLong && l ≠ -9223372036854775808 }) { val tmp: Unit = addStillContains[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from), 0, thiss.zeroValue, thiss._keys.arr(from)) val tmp: Unit = addStillContains[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from), -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue, thiss._keys.arr(from)) val tmp: Unit = addApplyDifferent[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from), 0, thiss.zeroValue, thiss._keys.arr(from)) addApplyDifferent[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from), -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue, thiss._keys.arr(from)) } else { () } t } assume(((thiss.mask == IndexMask && thiss._values.size == thiss.mask + 1 && thiss._keys.size == thiss._values.size && thiss.mask >= 0 && thiss._size >= 0 && thiss._size < thiss.mask + 1 && size(thiss) >= thiss._size && thiss.extraKeys >= 0 && thiss.extraKeys <= 3 && arrayCountValidKeysTailRec(thiss._keys, 0, thiss._keys.size) == thiss._size && (¬(from < thiss._keys.size && { val l: Long = thiss._keys.arr(from) l ≠ 0.toLong && l ≠ -9223372036854775808 }) || { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$156: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, thiss._keys.arr(from)))) res } && { val key: Long = thiss._keys.arr(from) val cond: Boolean = { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$157: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key))) res } get[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key)) } == thiss._values.arr(from))) && { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$158: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, 0))) res } && { val key: Long = 0 val cond: Boolean = { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$159: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key))) res } get[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key)) } == thiss.zeroValue) && (if ((thiss.extraKeys & 2) ≠ 0) { { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$160: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, -9223372036854775808))) res } && { val key: Long = -9223372036854775808 val cond: Boolean = { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$161: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key))) res } get[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key)) } == thiss.minValue } else { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$162: Boolean) => true) ¬{ assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, -9223372036854775808))) res } })) res } val res: Boolean = choose((empty$163: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](inlined.toList, 0))) res } else { val from: Int = 0 val inlined: ListMapLongKey[Long] = { val t: Boolean = thiss.mask == IndexMask && thiss._values.size == thiss.mask + 1 && thiss._keys.size == thiss._values.size && thiss.mask >= 0 && thiss._size >= 0 && thiss._size < thiss.mask + 1 && size(thiss) >= thiss._size && thiss.extraKeys >= 0 && thiss.extraKeys <= 3 && arrayCountValidKeysTailRec(thiss._keys, 0, thiss._keys.size) == thiss._size && from >= 0 val res: ListMapLongKey[Long] = { val t: ListMapLongKey[Long] = if ((thiss.extraKeys & 1) ≠ 0 && (thiss.extraKeys & 2) ≠ 0) { val inlined: ListMapLongKey[Long] = { val newList: List[(Long, Long)] = insertStrictlySorted[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from).toList, 0, thiss.zeroValue) assume({ val res: Boolean = choose((empty$164: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](newList, 0))) res } && getValueByKey[Long](newList, 0) == Some[Long](thiss.zeroValue)) ListMapLongKey[Long](newList) } val res: ListMapLongKey[Long] = ListMapLongKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](inlined.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue)) assume({ val res: Boolean = choose((empty$165: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](inlined.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue), -9223372036854775808))) res } && getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](inlined.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue), -9223372036854775808) == Some[Long](thiss.minValue)) res } else if ((thiss.extraKeys & 1) ≠ 0 && (thiss.extraKeys & 2) == 0) { val thiss: ListMapLongKey[Long] = getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from) val res: ListMapLongKey[Long] = ListMapLongKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, 0, thiss.zeroValue)) assume({ val res: Boolean = choose((empty$166: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, 0, thiss.zeroValue), 0))) res } && getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, 0, thiss.zeroValue), 0) == Some[Long](thiss.zeroValue)) res } else if ((thiss.extraKeys & 2) ≠ 0 && (thiss.extraKeys & 1) == 0) { val thiss: ListMapLongKey[Long] = getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from) val res: ListMapLongKey[Long] = ListMapLongKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue)) assume({ val res: Boolean = choose((empty$167: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue), -9223372036854775808))) res } && getValueByKey[Long](insertStrictlySorted[Long](thiss.toList, -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue), -9223372036854775808) == Some[Long](thiss.minValue)) res } else { getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from) } val t: Unit = if (from < thiss._keys.size && { val l: Long = thiss._keys.arr(from) l ≠ 0.toLong && l ≠ -9223372036854775808 }) { val tmp: Unit = addStillContains[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from), 0, thiss.zeroValue, thiss._keys.arr(from)) val tmp: Unit = addStillContains[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from), -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue, thiss._keys.arr(from)) val tmp: Unit = addApplyDifferent[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from), 0, thiss.zeroValue, thiss._keys.arr(from)) addApplyDifferent[Long](getCurrentListMapNoExtraKeys(thiss, from), -9223372036854775808, thiss.minValue, thiss._keys.arr(from)) } else { () } t } assume(((thiss.mask == IndexMask && thiss._values.size == thiss.mask + 1 && thiss._keys.size == thiss._values.size && thiss.mask >= 0 && thiss._size >= 0 && thiss._size < thiss.mask + 1 && size(thiss) >= thiss._size && thiss.extraKeys >= 0 && thiss.extraKeys <= 3 && arrayCountValidKeysTailRec(thiss._keys, 0, thiss._keys.size) == thiss._size && (¬(from < thiss._keys.size && { val l: Long = thiss._keys.arr(from) l ≠ 0.toLong && l ≠ -9223372036854775808 }) || { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$168: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, thiss._keys.arr(from)))) res } && { val key: Long = thiss._keys.arr(from) val cond: Boolean = { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$169: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key))) res } get[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key)) } == thiss._values.arr(from))) && (if ((thiss.extraKeys & 1) ≠ 0) { { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$170: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, 0))) res } && { val key: Long = 0 val cond: Boolean = { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$171: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key))) res } get[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key)) } == thiss.zeroValue } else { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$172: Boolean) => true) ¬{ assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, 0))) res } })) && (if ((thiss.extraKeys & 2) ≠ 0) { { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$173: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, -9223372036854775808))) res } && { val key: Long = -9223372036854775808 val cond: Boolean = { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$174: Boolean) => true) assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key))) res } get[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, key)) } == thiss.minValue } else { val res: Boolean = choose((empty$175: Boolean) => true) ¬{ assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](res.toList, -9223372036854775808))) res } })) res } val res: Boolean = choose((empty$176: Boolean) => true) ¬{ assume(¬res || isDefined[Long](getValueByKey[Long](inlined.toList, 0))) res } })) ```