The current implementation of the Erdos-Renyi graph seems to have an issue related to the generation of the adjacency matrix. In particular, the edge probability does not follow the input probability p but it is roughly half. This is due to the following lines:
G.W = sprandsym(N,p)>0;
G.W(1:N+1:end) = 0;
where sprandsym(N,p) generates a sparse matrix with nonzero probability p but the nonzero entries are normally distributed, so taking >0 only selects half of those.
Thanks for reporting this issue! Note however that this toolbox is not developed nor maintained anymore. Please consider using the pygsp instead, where that issue has been fixed.
The current implementation of the Erdos-Renyi graph seems to have an issue related to the generation of the adjacency matrix. In particular, the edge probability does not follow the input probability p but it is roughly half. This is due to the following lines:
G.W = sprandsym(N,p)>0; G.W(1:N+1:end) = 0;
where sprandsym(N,p) generates a sparse matrix with nonzero probability p but the nonzero entries are normally distributed, so taking >0 only selects half of those.
A quick fix, albeit inefficient, is
G.W = tril(rand(N,N)<p); G.W = G.W - eye(N); G.W = G.W + G.W';