epfly6 / RepentanceAPIIssueTracker

An unofficial issue tracker for issues with The Binding of Isaac: Repentance's API.
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My hearts and map don't show up #547

Closed RandyRenegade closed 9 months ago

RandyRenegade commented 1 year ago

Just what the title says. I know this is a mod issue because it doesn't happen when I turn off all the mods, and its only been a problem since the latest update. Restarting doesn't fix it either. I don't know which mod it is, I haven't disabled them one at a time to test yet, but I probably will if nobody knows which of my mods is responsible. The list of mods I have installed with an * if I've already tried deactivating them:

-Retribution - 160 Items! -Visible Fortune -Infini-Chest! -DBZ teleport -Redemption Community Pack -Repentance Boss Champions - Fiend Folio Compatibility -Repentance Boss Champions -[REP]Pokemon Resprites -Arcade Machines Resprites 2 - Armegeddon -[REP]Improved Chargebars -Fiend Folio: Reheated - 500 New Monsters! -Custom Stage API -arcade machine resprites -A Pony Synergies! -Options Resprite -better pooters -Boss Rush Wave Counter [Rep | AB+] -Da Rules - A Sandbox Menu Thingy [REP/AB+] -Explorite utility -Fancy Costumes -Worm Item Resprites -Extra animated portraits -Jacob & Esau: Dual Flight -Jacob's Ladder Synergies -GoodTrip[Repentance/AB+] -Mantle Rework -Unique Birthright Sprites -Rainbow Poop Gives a Soul Heart -White Fireplace Icon -[AB+|Rep] MiniMAPI: A Minimap API* -Akeldama Synergy -[REP] Binding of Isaac: Epiphany (Tarnished Characters) -Mod Config Menu - Continued -Mod Compatibility Hack -Encyclopedia - An In-Game Wiki -Luckier Pennies -Item Pedestal Overhaul -Animated Costumes (Rep) + Adding More -Better Bombs -Planetarium Chance -[AB+|Rep] External item descriptions -[REP] Andromeda (+28 Unlocks) -Mega Mush CostumeSuffix Compat -Rare Super Secret Rooms! (100+ rare super secret rooms to find!) -Fredd's character portraits -Gurgle Resprite -Hush Resprite -The Deleted -Rare Secret Rooms! (115+ rare secret rooms to find!) -Unique Megaisaacs -Boss Portrait Overhaul -Pretty Princess! (Leech Resprite Mod) -Lump Fix -[Rep] Enhanced Boss Bars -Animated Items

MrSeemsGood commented 1 year ago

this should be closed. yes it is a mod issue, but it shouldn't be posted here, at least not until you've tried to find the culprit on your own. different mods can break different other mods in different ways since 1.7.9b, we can only hope that there is a universal solution for this mess coming in the next patch.

Zamiell commented 1 year ago

@RandyRenegade please close this issue