epfml / sent2vec

General purpose unsupervised sentence representations
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Install Cython and NumPy before executing setup.py #103

Closed Stannislav closed 2 years ago

Stannislav commented 4 years ago


Cython and NumPy need to be manually installed before running setup.py.


sent2vec cannot be included in other packages' dependencies because the installation will break if cython or numpy are not installed.


Include a pyproject.toml file, which makes sure that Cython and NumPy are installed before the setup script is executed.

This is the officially recommended way of distributing Cython modules [1] and is supported by pip starting version 10.0. [2]


If Cython and NumPy are not required after the install then the install_requires line in setup.py can be removed.

dyyd commented 3 years ago

Any chance that this will be accepted soon? Has been open for many months and seems like a simple and small change that is really useful.