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transferred session dir to new docker instance "missing track for reordering" errors #99

Open jgrundstad opened 1 year ago

jgrundstad commented 1 year ago

I'm attempting to recover/transplant old session directories into a new docker deployment of the browser and seeing several "Missing track for reordering" errors when loading them:

Restoring session... Setting view range... Loading 10 tracks... done Tracks added hg19 Missing track for reordering: 8808312349985257 hg19 Missing track for reordering: 450151927555106 hg19 Missing track for reordering: 7996298516951332 hg19 Missing track for reordering: 7384525549182919 hg19 Missing track for reordering: refGene Stand by

Hoping for some pointers on how to debug this. Thanks!

lidaof commented 1 year ago

Hi @jgrundstad that would depends on the files the session trying to access, looks like the error is caused by missed files on the URLs listed in the session file (which is JSON format), you may check those http urls in the session file see if they really exist.

jgrundstad commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the response. I've been digging into the json files and have found some outdated URLs, thank you for the tip. The missing refGene track is a bit confusing. I dug into the apache2 error log and found an error, is it related?

tabix file error: http://egg.wustl.edu/d/hg19/refGene.gz

Here's some more context from the error.log:

cgi param parsed
cgi param parsed
Hooked to hg19
Hooked to hg19
reviveScaffold() done
normal dsp...
runmode: 0, jux tk: not available
not jumping...
not moving...
        entire length computed: 961104...
usedSummaryNumber: 4170
entireLength: 961104
(0) chr7 [0,26733030 >> 27694134,159138663]     len: 961104     sp:4170
reviveScaffold() done
normal dsp...
runmode: 0, jux tk: not available
not jumping...
not moving...
        entire length computed: 961104...
usedSummaryNumber: 4170
entireLength: 961104
(0) chr7 [0,26733030 >> 27694134,159138663]     len: 961104     sp:4170
tabix file error: http://egg.wustl.edu/d/hg19/refGene.gz
track sl made
tabix file error: http://egg.wustl.edu/d/hg19/rmsk_all.gz
track sl made
lidaof commented 1 year ago

Hi @jgrundstad sorry about that error, you would need to load your old session, delete the tracks which didn't load, and use the https URL (eg. https://egg.wustl.edu/d/hg19/refGene.gz) to add that same track instead, then save a new session, that should work. All our servers were put under an https proxy only https links work now.

jgrundstad commented 1 year ago

Thank you, will give that a try.