ephraim / lcurse

Python script to have a "curse" compatible client for linux
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Freezes on update addons #17

Closed umbralfury closed 8 years ago

umbralfury commented 8 years ago

When using either update addon or update all addons I get the following error message in terminal:

Unhandled exception in thread started by <bound method CheckDlg.startWorkerThreads of <waitdlg.CheckDlg object at 0x7f85c62d8ee8>>
    Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "/home/alex/lcurse/modules/waitdlg.py", line 62, in startWorkerThreads
TypeError: decorated slot has no signature compatible with CheckWorker.checkFinished[QVariant, bool, QVariant]
ephraim commented 8 years ago

Please try agian with latest commit. This should fix this exception