I try to open the program but it opens then dies. I checked to see if it was running and it was for about 5 seconds then stops.
This is all the image information I can get you guys. And on the side note, my computer is kind of low end but it can run most things (like League of Legends and Terraria)
If anyone has any answer please let me know. I would love to use this to make my art but it kind of sucks that I can not.
I try to open the program but it opens then dies. I checked to see if it was running and it was for about 5 seconds then stops. This is all the image information I can get you guys. And on the side note, my computer is kind of low end but it can run most things (like League of Legends and Terraria) If anyone has any answer please let me know. I would love to use this to make my art but it kind of sucks that I can not.